Studies of ocean ’ s scattering properties based on airsar data
Wang Wenguang,Sun Jinping,Wang Jun,Hu Rui
Abstract:The scattering properties of ocean are studied based on the measured AIRSAR data in this paper from 3 different sides, which are statistical analysis of sea clutter, the variety trend of polarimetric characters with different incidence angle and ship-sea contrast. The statistical analysis base on KS test shows that the co-pol channels can be fitted well using K distribution under the incidence angles range from 10o to 66o, but the x-pol channel can be fitted well only under a certain narrower incidence angle range. The polarimetric characters show different variety trends with the variety of incidence angles. The entropy of Cloude, co-pol correlation coefficient, co-pol ratio, and the entropy of polarization increase with the incidence angle’s increment to the experimental data. But the mean scattering angle and the co-pol phase difference have smaller variety range. From the experimental result, both the microwave band and incidence angle should be considered when we design the threshold of target detection and classification using polarimetric parameters. The ship-sea contrast study at the incidence angle of 46.7o shows that the co-pol correlation coefficient has the highest ship-sea contrast among the researched polarimetric parameters, especially the L band. Moreover, the effectiveness of ship detection based on polarimetric features has the relationship of L>P>C. * Corresponding author. 1. INODUCTION It is well known that the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is well suited to implement continuous (i.e., all-weather, all-time) monitoring of the sea surface conditions and activities, such as surface wind, swell structure, pollution conditions, and the presence of man-made objects, under all-weather condition (Vesecky,2002; Yeremy,2001; Schuler,2004). But the understanding of SAR images is difficult just from the intensity map because the imaging is sensitive to many parameters such as the incidence angle, wind, polarization, wave length and so on. With the development of the polarimetric SAR, besides the RCS information, the scattering mechanism and some other features which reflect the characteristics of targets can be extracted. The study of the scattering properties of ocean clutter is helpful to interpreting the SAR images of ocean and to the design of detection, segmentation, classification, and filtering algorithms. At present, the study of ocean application based on polarimetric SAR images has been a topic of considerable interest. The backscattering is a kind of random process, so statistical method is used for the description of ocean’s scattering. Pastina (Pastina,2000) presented the statistical analysis of multifrequency, multi-polarization SAR images of the sea surface. His work shows that there is a good agreement between the Kdistribution and the statistical properties of the ocean. Fusco (Fusco,2002) also researched the statistical modeling of ocean surface based on the HH and VV channels in the L and C bands of SIR-C data. But the studies about the statistical properties pay attention to the incidence angle hardly. In the ocean application of polarimeteic SAR, such as pollution monitoring, oil slick detection, ship detection, polarimetric feature extraction is the most important process. Generally the features may vary with the imaging conditions such as incidence angle, imaging band, sea state and so on. The study of features variety trend will be helpful to choose proper features. But this area is still not in focus. In the work presented here we continue addressing statistical analysis of pol-SAR images of the sea surface based on full polarimetric data under different incidence angles. Moreover, the variety trends of plarimetric features and ship-ocean contrast are studied. Some useful conclusions are gotten by the research. In this paper, the scattering properties of ocean surface are researched based on the measured polarimetric SAR data, which was acquired by NASA/JPL AIRSAR. Some parameters are shown in the table 1. Date of acquisition 07/20/1990 Scene ID Cm1832, Cm1833 Polarization Quad Band C/L/P Multi-look 16 Range resolution 6.7 m Azimuth resolution 12.1 m Wind speed 20 Knots Wind angle 232 Degrees Table 1. Radar parameters of experimental data This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 will study the statistical model of sea clutter using K-distribution. In section 3, the variety trends of polarimetric characters are studied according to different incidence angle. Then, ship-sea contrast based on the polarimetric parameters is studied in section 4. Finally, some useful conclusions are drawn in section 5.