Tannakian QFT: from spark algebras to quantum groups
Tudor Dimofte,Wenjun Niu
Abstract:We propose a nonperturbative construction of Hopf algebras that represent categories of line operators in topological quantum field theory, in terms of semi-extended operators (spark algebras) on pairs of transverse topological boundary conditions. The construction is a direct implementation of Tannakian formalism in QFT. Focusing on d=3 dimensional theories, we find topological definitions of R-matrices, ribbon twists, and the Drinfeld double construction for generalized quantum groups. We illustrate our construction in finite-group gauge theory, and apply it to obtain new results for B-twisted 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ gauge theories, a.k.a. equivariant Rozansky-Witten theory, or supergroup BF theory (including ordinary BF theory with compact gauge group). We reformulate our construction mathematically in terms of abelian and dg tensor categories, and discuss connections with Koszul duality.
High Energy Physics - Theory,Mathematical Physics,Quantum Algebra,Representation Theory