Polarization properties of partially coherent mixed dislocation beams transmitting in biological tissues
Jiao-Jiao Feng,Mei-Ling Duan,Jing Shan,Ling-Hui Wang,Ting Xue,School of Semiconductors and Physics, North University, Taiyuan 030051, China
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7498/aps.73.20240985
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Feng Jiao-Jiao, Duan Mei-Ling, Shan Jing, Wang Ling-Hui, Xue Ting <sec< 1="" <b<conclusions<="" <b<method<="" <b<objective<="" <b<results<="" <i<a<="" <i<b<="" <i<σ<="" a="" absolute="" acting="" adopting="" advantages="" affect="" all="" also="" an="" analytical="" analyzed="" and="" angle="" application="" are="" at="" axisymmetric="" b<="" based="" basis="" be="" beam="" beam,="" beams="" beams.="" behaviors="" between="" biological="" biphotonic="" both="" but="" by="" can="" change="" change;="" changes="" charge="" clearly="" coherence="" coherent="" combining="" complex="" correlation="" corresponding="" cross-spectral="" degree="" degrees="" density="" derived.="" detail.<="" detection="" determining="" developing="" diagnosis="" difference="" different="" dimensionless="" direction="" discussed.="" dislocation="" dislocation.="" displays="" distance="" distribution="" distribution,="" distributions="" does="" due="" edge="" effects="" elements="" ellipticity="" even="" exists="" expanding="" experimental="" explored.="" expressions="" factors="" farther="" field="" field,="" finally,="" fluctuate="" fluctuation.="" fluctuations="" for="" foundation="" four="" from="" generalized="" get="" greatly="" has="" hope="" huygens-fresnel="" i<="" i<,="" i<<="" i<<sub<<i<xy<="" i<<sub<<i<yy<="" identical="" imaging="" important="" in="" independent="" influe="" influencing="" information="" insight="" intensities="" intensity="" into="" intuitively="" investigated="" is="" its="" larger="" larger,="" length="" less="" light="" linear="" magnitude="" main="" markers.="" matrix="" medical="" mixed="" more="" mutual-correlation="" new="" non="" non-contact,="" normalized="" not="" obtained="" of="" off-axis="" on="" one="" only="" optical="" order="" orientation="" origin.="" p="" parameter="" parameters="" parameters:="" paraxial="" partially="" pattern="" phase="" plane="" plane,="" plays="" points="" polarization="" polarization,="" principle,="" propagating="" provide="" related="" requirements.<="" respectively.<="" results="" rich="" role="" rotation="" schell="" screw-linear="" sec<<="" sec<<sec<="" selected="" self-correlation="" sensitive="" shallow="" show="" sign="" simultaneously,="" singularity="" singularity.="" size="" smaller,="" source="" spatial="" speed.="" spiral="" staining="" state="" state,="" state.="" sub<="" sub<,="" sub<.="" sub<;="" technologies.="" technology="" technology. Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(18): 184101. Published 2024-09-20</sec<>
physics, multidisciplinary