Behind the Scenes: Planning a Multispecies Microarray Experiment

Naomi Altman,Jim Leebens-Mack,Laura Zahn,André Chanderbali,Donglan Tian,Lillian Werner,Hong Ma,Claude dePamphilis
Abstract:The Floral Genome Project (FC P) is an ambitious m ulti-inst it uti o nal res e a rc h p rog ra m u si ng ge no m ic approac he s to bette r und e rst and th e evolu tion and d iversity of floweri ng p la n t s (a ngiosp e rms), parti cu la rly focu sin g on genes ac tive in th e devel oping floral bu ds. To achieve this objecti ve , a key goal was to deve lop a mi croarray syste m that can be used to co mpare th e activity of relate d genes bo th with in and be tween specie s, parti cularly ge ne s involved in th e repro du ct ive tissu es . T his req uires su bstantial information about th e genom ics of the target spe cies13 species of flowering pla nt s holding key positions in th e angiospe rm evolu tiona ry tree and two nonflowering seed plan ts (gym nospe rms) . Five of these species have been se lec ted For m icroarray gene expression stud ies .
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