Fast Dictionary Learning for Multidimensional Seismic Denoising Via Sequential Generalized K-Means

Yangkang Chen
Abstract:PreviousNext No AccessSEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016Fast dictionary learning for multidimensional seismic denoising via sequential generalized k-meansAuthors: Yangkang ChenYangkang ChenUniversity of Texas—AustinSearch for more papers by this author SectionsSupplemental MaterialAboutPDF/ePub ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail Abstract The K-SVD algorithm has been successfully utilized for adaptively learning the sparse dictionary in 2D seismic denoising. Because of the high computational cost of many SVDs in the K-SVD algorithm, it is not applicable in practical applications, especially in 3D or 5D problems. In this paper, I extend the dictionary based denoising approach from 2D to 3D. To address the computational efficiency problem in K-SVD, I proposed a fast dictionary learning approach based on the sequential generalized K-means (SGK) algorithm for denoising multidimensional seismic data. I summarized the sparse dictionary learning algorithm using K-SVD, and introduce SGK algorithm together with its detailed mathematical implications. 2D field data example, 3D synthetic and field data examples are used to demonstrate the performance of both K-SVD and SGK algorithms. It has been shown that SGK algorithm can significantly increase the computational efficiency without degrading the denoising performance. Presentation Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 Start Time: 11:10:00 AM Location: 148 Presentation Type: ORAL Keywords: sparse, inversion, noise, 3D, filteringPermalink: byStudy of Parameters in Dictionary Learning Method for Seismic DenoisingIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 60 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016ISSN (print):1052-3812 ISSN (online):1949-4645Copyright: 2016 Pages: 5654 publication data© 2016 Published in electronic format with permission by the Society of Exploration GeophysicistsPublisher:Society of Exploration Geophysicists HistoryPublished Online: 01 Sep 2016 CITATION INFORMATION Yangkang Chen, (2016), "Fast dictionary learning for multidimensional seismic denoising via sequential generalized k-means," SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts : 4802-4807. Plain-Language Summary Keywordssparseinversionnoise3DfilteringPDF DownloadLoading ...
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