The analysis of the efficiency of solarcells

Wei ShiYuan,Sun WeiHai,Chen Zhijian,Xiao Lixin
Chinese Science Bulletin
Abstract:Under the circumstances of the increasing depletion of fossil fuels,renewable energy, especially solar energy, is becoming more and moreimportant. Thus, the methods of exploring solar energy are diverseand the energy conversion efficiency keeps rising while the cost keepsdecreasing. Among all the methods, using solar cell is the main wayto explore solar energy. Currently, solar cells can be divided intothree main categories, crystalline silicon solar cells, thin filmsolar cells and novel solar cells. Crystalline silicon solar cellscan also be divided into monocrystalline silicon solar cell and polycrystallinesilicon solar cell. These two kinds of solar cells are the most commonsolar cells in our daily life. The efficiency of monocrystalline siliconsolar cell is already pretty high reaching 25% while polycrystallinesilicon solar cell reaches 21.3%. The stability of monocrystallinesilicon solar is also better than that of polycrystalline siliconsolar cell. The only fly in the ointment is that the cost of monocrystallinesilicon solar is a little bit higher than polycrystalline siliconsolar cell which makes monocrystalline silicon solar not optimal enough.Thin film solar cell includes amorphous silicon solar cells and multi-compoundssolar cells. The transformation of solar cells from solid panel tothin film is one of the most significant breakthroughs of the secondgeneration solar cell. The amorphous silicon solar cell becomes muchcheaper than both monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline siliconsolar cells. But its drawback is obvious, its efficiency only reaches13.6% which certainly needs to be improved. As for semiconductor compoundssolar cells, there are made by various semiconductor materials. Majorsemiconductor compound solar cells contain chemical materials suchas CdTe, CuInSe2(CIS), CuInSe2 doped Ga(CIGS), GaAs, InP, and multi-junctionsolar cell, etc. Materials like CdTe and CIGS can surely lower thecost of solar cells and their efficiencies are pretty high reaching21.5% and 22.3%, respectively. But Cd is a toxic element while Inand Se are rare elements, their reserves are limited. Materials likeGaAs and InP are much more expensive comparing to others, but theirefficiencies are pretty satisfying reaching 28.8% and 22.6%, respectively.More importantly, they have rather high radiation tolerance, especiallyInP solar cell has the best radiation tolerance among all kinds ofsolar cells. Thus, despite their high costs, they can still be usedin many situations such as space station. As for multi-junction solarcell, the most prominent feature of it is the high efficiency. Solarcells with two junctions, three junctions and four junctions havereached the efficiencies of 31.6%, 37.9% and 38.8%. Obviously, multi-junctionsolar cells are the best choice to improve energy conversion efficiency.The novel solar cell consists of organic solar cells, dye-sensitizedsolar cells, quantum dot solar cells and hybrid perovskite solar cells.Among all these third generation solar cells, perovskite solar cellis the most promising one due to its superior properties and rapidimprovement. Its efficiency has already reached 21% in only a fewyears. But more work needs to be done to improve its properties suchas its stability and currently perovskite solar cell still containslead which is toxic and may need to be replaced. This paper startsfrom analyzing the theoretical efficiency of solar cells, then comparesthose theoretical efficiencies with experimental efficiencies to presentthe expectation of different kinds of solar cells.
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