1 EX / P 5-20 Suppression and destabilization of ion fishbone activities on HL-2 A
W. Chen,L. M. Yu,X. L. Zhu,M. Jiang,P. W. Shi,X. Q. Ji,Z. B. Shi,S. B.,Yuan,D. L. Yu,Y. G. Li,Z. C. Yang,Y. R. Yang,X. T. Ding,M. Xu,W. Q.,Yang,Yi. Liu,L. W. Yan,X. R. Duan
Abstract:In the present paper the recent progress of ion fishbone activities will be present on HL2A. Firstly, it will be reported the stabilization of m/n=1/1 fishbone by the ECRH. The stabilization of m/n=1/1 fishbone depends not only on the injected power but also on the radial deposition location of ECRH, and the instability can be completely suppressed when the injected ECRH power exceeds certain threshold. Analysis by the fishbone dispersion relation, including the resistive effect, suggests that the magnetic Reynolds number plays a key role in the mode stabilization. Secondly, it is found for the first time in tokamaks that an unstable tearing mode with slowly rotating m/n=2/1 helicity interacts with energeticions and results in amplitude-bursting/frequency-chirping fishbone-like activities. Nonlinear hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations with M3D-K code prove that the co-passing energetic-ions are responsible for the drive of tearing modes, and the wave-particle resonance condition is satisfied at ωφ − 2ωθ − ω = 0. Introduction.–Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities in a hot plasma can strongly limit the operational parameter space of a fusion reactor. Their stabilization, suppression and active control have therefore attracted much attention, in particular with regard to expansion of the operational space, enhancing the fusion performance and decreasing the energetic particle losses in both present-day fusion devices and future devices with burning plasmas. Control of multiple instabilities including sawtooth, neoclassical tearing mode (NTM), resistive wall mode (RWM), edge localized mode (ELM), Alfvén eigenmode as well as energetic-particle mode (EPM), has been successfully achieved, to various degrees, by different means such as the radio frequency wave heating/drive, the three-dimensional magnetic perturbations, and so on, in many fusion devices [1]. On the other hand, understanding of both the control and physics of these instabilities, in many cases, is still far from complete, and remains area of active research. The fishbone mode is one of these key instabilities, destabilized by a population of energetic particles [2]. In burning plasmas, energetic alpha particles, though being a minority species, carry a large fraction of the plasma kinetic energy, and can potentially drive the fishbone instability. The fishbone has also been proposed as a possible scheme for ash removal and burn control [3, 4], as well as tungsten-impurities removing from the plasma core on ITER[5]. In this paper, we present two experimental results: (I)controlling and suppressing the ion fishbone activities, by applying the electron cyclotron resonant heating (ECRH); (II)tearing mode driven by energetic-ions, resulting in fishbone activities. EX/P5-20 2 Primary authors: W. Chen Current version 1.0 Email: chenw@swip.ac.cn Stabilization of Ion Fishbone Activities by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating in a Toroidal Plasma W. Chen, X.T. Ding, P.W. Shi, X.Q. Ji, L.M. Yu, X.L. Zhu, Z.B. Shi, D.L. Yu, B.S. Yuan, Y.G. Li, M. Jiang, Z.C. Yang, J.Y. Cao, S. D. Song, Yi. Liu, Q.W. Yang, M. Xu, and X.R. Duan 2 Southwestern Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 432 Chengdu 610041, China School of Physics and Optoelectronic, DUT, Dalian 116024, China (Dated: May 10, 2017) Abstract–We report an experimental result about the stabilization of energetic-ion driven internal kink mode (ion fishbone), which asserts itself resistive, by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) in a toroidal plasma for the first time. The fishbone stability depends on not only the injected power but also radial deposited location of ECRH, and the fishbone can be suppressed completely when the injected ECRH power exceeds a certain threshold. The analysis by the fishbone dispersion relation including the resistive effect suggests that the magnetic Reynolds number plays a key role in the mode stabilization, namely, it can weakens the mode growth-rate and enhances the critical energetic-ion beta without changing the energetic-ion population. PACS numbers: 52.35.Bj, 52.35.Mw, 52.35.Py, 52.35.Vd