The Surgical Treatment of Spinal Tumors
Abstract:Objective To investigate the means of diagnosis and surgical treatment of the spinal tumors.Methods 90 cases of the spinal tumors were retrospectively analyzed,including 51 males and 39 females,with mean age of 49.3 years old.12 cases tumors located at cervical region,35 cases at thoracic region,29 cases at lumbar region and 14 cases at sacral segments.54 patients with Primary spinal tumors (include 25 cases carcinoid,29 cases malignancy )and 36 cases with spinal metastases. Anterior approach for the anterior lesion and posterior approach for the posterior lesion, combined anterior and posterior approach for extensive lesions,internal fixation for spinal stability at one time, according as the signs of X-rays,CT and MRI.Results 41 cases were excellent ,in which 20 cases were good,17 cases were fair and 11 cases were poor.Conclusion Good effects depend on early diagnosis, felicitous approach, stabile reconstruction and comprehensive post-operative treatments.