Characteristics of Membrane Fouling and Its Cleaning in Membrane Bioreactors for Water Purification

Abstract:Suspended growth type and attached growth type Mem brane Bioreactors (MBRs) were used to treat micro-polluted source water. Investigated was made on the characteristics of membrane fouling and its cleaning. The surface of fouled membrane was observed by means of SEM, and it was found that the fouling of exte rior membrane surface varies with different types of MBR and the interior membra ne surface has been little fouled. Physical and chemical cleaning was used to el iminate membrane fouling. The results showed that the conventional physical clea ning is able to remove most of cake layer, but has little effect on membrane per meability recovery. Alkaline cleaning is effective to recover the membrane perme ability, and organic matter is the major component affecting the membrane foulin g. The fouled membrane surface of attached growth type MBR is more sticky, and t he conventional physical cleaning has little effect. Whereas ultrasonic cleaning is more effective to recover the membrane by about 30%, and the combination of ultrasonic with chemical cleaning is more effective than the conventional chemic al cleaning. By making analysis on the component of chemical elutriate, it was s howed that the foulants in MBR are characterized by containing more organic foul ants, less content of element Ca, and slightly more humic organic matters, as co mpared with that in coagulation - MF combination process (C-MF). Most of soluble organic foulants is of low molecular weight both in MBR and C-MF process. In co mparison with C-MF process, the foulants in MBR has higher molecular weight, and it was supposed to be related to microbial metabolic products in MBR.
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