Restore and Reconstruction of the Mandibular Defects

Abstract:OBJECTIVE To study the clinical indica-tions of 4 kinds of methods for mandibular restore andreconstruction. METHODS One hundred and thirty-fivecases with various mandibular defects were includedin this study. Etiology and classification of the man-dibular defects, the restore and reconstructive meth-ods and the influence factors were retrospectiveanalyzed. RESULTS In all of 135 cases, the ratio ofmale and female was 2:1, the range of age was from14 to 82 years old with median age 45 years. Benignand malignant lesions were respectively half of all ofcases, and the most of mandibular defects were a halfof mandible defect and simple mandibular body defect,but the ramus defects and the mandibular block de-fects were very rare. CONCLUSION The age and patho-logical classification of the lesions are not the key pointagain for the mandibular restore and reconstruction now.There were different characteristics and indications inthe four kinds of methods: free vascular fibular flap isthe best reconstructed method for the larger defects ofmandible or with soft tissues defects; autologous non-vascularized free iliac is used in block bone graft or thelength of mandibular defect is under 6 cm resulted bybenign lesions; reconstructive titanium palate is usedin recurrence malignant lesions; distraction osteogen-esis maybe suitable to block defects of mandible.[
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