Identification of a Psoriasis Susceptibility Locus on Chromosome 4q in a Chinese Han Population

Chinese Journal of Dermatology
Abstract:Objective To identify a psoriasis susceptibility locus on chromosome4q in a Chinese Han population.Methods The genome search was performed using12microsatellite spanning chromosome4q in64Chinese Han families(372family members)comprising197affected and175unaffected individuals.GENEHUNTER was used for the parametric and non-parametric linkage analyses.Results(1)Non-paramet-ric linkage analyses:single-point analyses revealed that two adjacent loci on chromosome4q D4S413and D4S1597had evidence of linkage,with NPL-scores of2.04and2.23,and P values of0.021and0.014re-spectively.Multi-point analyses showed a peak NPL-score of3.44and the corresponding P value of0.00056at157.9cM where D4S413located.Moreover,NPL score of more than3was found with a range from155.1cM to172.3cM.(2)Parametric linkage analyses revealed a LOD score of3.70,a heterogeneity LOD score of4.35and a high proportion of linked families(α)of85%under the assumption of a dominant model with dis-ease-allele frequency of0.0062and penetrance of10%at D4S1597.Conclusion Chromosome4q contains genes involved in the susceptibility to psoriasis vulgaris in a Chinese Han population.
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