L. G. Zerfas
British Medical Journal
Abstract:would have furnished most valuable information about-the clhronology of the corpus Initellumi as well as the endoluetriuni in relation to the menstrual cycle; it is from this side 1hat our stronge,st -objections to the orthodox tlheory collie. In 1908 Bryce and the writer5 used the precise and( t'ru-stworthy history of the Teacher-Bryce Ovum No. . to correlate the data of twelve youtg ova in the hiistory of which the date of the termllination of pregnancy in relation to the menstrual cycle was known. These data gave a series in wlich dimtninions and ages graduallv increased and supplied a mode of reckoning the age of very youngr ova which was so clear and conisistent that it was accepted anid adopted in Keibel and Mall's Emitbryoivqq (1910).6 A seconid table was then constructed to ascertain at whiclh periods of the miiontlh fertilization and implantation would lhave occilrred in the case of these ova on the basis of the first table. The. resuilts wvere inconisistenst wiith the old theories of menstruiation and ovidlaItion, huit they agreed w-itlh the tlheorv of Heape. The statement of the controversy made in 1908 is obsolete, b)tt the method of research was taken up by Grossel7 in 1923, and the tables were reconstr-ucted wvith much neiw material, the conclusions being revised in accordance witlh ouir present knowledge of menstiruiation, ovuilation, and pregnanye. The result is a chronology of the menstrual cycle founded on actual records of dates of coituls and terminiation of pregnanicy which is inconsistent 2v,vith the aceepted theory. T'lie second table slhows that ovulation-withi whlich colhabitation and fertilization muist be regarded -as practically syn(hlronou-s-can take place at atly period from the second to tlhe t-entv-fourth day of the cycle. No period caii be definitely in(dicated as the usual date of ovulation. Fertilization, even as late as the twentv-fourltlh day, prevents the menstrual breakdown, while early fertilization produces the deciduial reaction. We concluide that thie fate of the ovuim governs the clhanges in the endometrium and the corpus luteuni. as well. The second theory, therefore, asserts that: (1) The mentstrutal cycle in thle lhumnitia stubject normally proceeds all the year round, bIut ovtulation and corpus luteum formation occur only fromii time to time. (2) There is no reguilar date of ovulation. The lunar rlhythlmof the evcle is therefore not due to ovulationr and wve are ignorant of its origin. (3) In the absence of fertilization it is probable that several ovulations occulr in succession, as in p1oloestrous miammnals like the mare or gulinea-jpig. Possibly they occuIr at monthly inter vals, and from each ovary alternately, which would explain wlhy the arranigement of corpora lutea in series can be made in a large proportion of suitable cases (Ruh18). According to this theory the changes in the ovary and the uterus both depend on the fate of the ovutm. The maost mometntous oceurri eniee in the life-history of the gfenital ap)paratuis is the unioni of the miale and female eleenlts, and1(1 it is seasonable to suppose that this event would comin tIiicate some stimulus to the imaternal organism. Nornmollv it would be picked up by the -mucouis membrane of the Fallopian tube, and the inimediate r-esponse of ovary anI(l ulterlus would be growth of luteiii tissue and en-domu-trial glanids. Menistruation is a cyclical process w-hich provides for the maintenanice of the endoometr-ium in a suitable condition for p)roducing the decidua of psregnancy; but the ovum is inot clepen(lent on " pr.e-menstriial ' reaction for a suitable niidus. The uterus is capable of (leveloping a decidua of conservation wlhenever it is called tuponi to receive and nouIrlishI a fer'tilized ovumil. hI'ele occurrence of sliglht proliferative changes in the endometrium near the end of a pecrio(l -would be interpr-ete(l as normal pre-m-eiustrutal reaction occurring apart from ovulation. Hitschmanni and Adler emphasized tlhe inivar-iability of the reaction. Aschoff9 refers to cases, possiblv abuornial, where it has not developed. Probably there is always some reaction. A more pronounced reaction at (lany period would suggest that ovullation and cor'pus luteunsl formlation had occurred, whi-le early decidna would inircl ate fertiliz.ation also. Wte have .seen well-developed reac(tioli long before its time on thle orthlodox view of the cycle, anld we could find the ruptured follicle or early corpus -luteuim, but we could not find the ovtunm. Possibly the date of implantation had not been reaelied. Two othler interesting possibilities are: (1) failure to implant the ovum, or, (2) the rejection of tlhe ovtim soon after implantation. In such cases " menstruation " wilould occur fromii a membrane that could lhar(ly be called anvthting but early decidua. From a mendico-legal point of view, lhowever, it would not be justifiable to diagnose thie occurrence of pregnancy from the finding of suielc a membrane. Classical decidtua or trophoblast mnust be found. j'io give an example of the practical bearing of this theory, some of our specimens have come from cases in wlichl euretting was done on accouint of sterility, and the surgeon demanded to know w-hetlher lie liad bcen so unluckv as to hiave interrupted an early pregnancy-. We d id not care to assert tlhis, but we hope we were, justified in saying that suich membranes showed that ovullation nas occurring, or in somne cases ovulation and fertilization as well. Prognosis, therefore, was hopeful. In these cases the tlheory of Heape appeais to us imiore helpftil than tile orthodox; theory. It is obvious that the two theories lhave muich in common, but there is sharp contradiction in the time relations.For the discovery of the trLuth we want accurately clatel young lhuman ova. These may he supplied by the n-ew method of Allen and his collaborators," lrlio wh ave washiedl free ova out of the tubes at operations, or by the oldler methods. All depends on co-operation between the gynaecogist, the pathologist, and the embryvologist, so tthat the material miiay be found and properly hiandled.