A Survey on the Historical Development of“Confucian Japanization” from 1868 to 1945
Zhen WU
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-2338.2015.05.001
Abstract:The Confucianism, after its eastward infiltration, has finally come into the Confucianism of Japan through japaniza-tion.According to the general view of the academia, this transformation started from the Edo age at the beginning of the seven-teenth century.However, in modern Japan after the Meiji Reform (1868), the Confucianism encountered the attack both from japanization and modernization.As the symbol of“Japanese ethics” or“Japanese morality”, it changed itself into the “theory of civilian morality” under the imperial ideology, which aimed to promote the spiritual civilization of the whole country and thus achieved the ideal of“integration of subjects” and“unity of morality”.In this way, it was believed at that time that the spiritual pollution of the west could be prevented, so as to surpass the modern Japan and liberate the Asia.During this unforgettable and vague period of time, the Confucianism met with the process of“rejapanization”.Indeed, the historical development of“Con-fucian japanization” is worth reflection and self-examination, especially for China which is still in the course of modernization.