The Biographical Turn in Sociology:A Dimension of Contemporary Sociology
Abstract:Compared with the long history of auto/biography, biographical research in social sciences is fairly a recent thing.There has been a major turn towards biographical approaches in social science (especially in sociology)since the 1980s.Used by Chicago School in the 1920s-1930s,biographical sociology has been supplemented and enlarged ever since.It explores the interplay of biography,culture,and history,and represents the sociological imagination promoted by Wright Mills.The turn,generally speaking,is a reaction against the positivistic domination grounded in social research,emphasizing the role of individual subjectivity and human agency in social life. The turn tries to overcome a series of dualisms or dichotomies inherent in traditional sociological theories.It intends to guide sociologists to rethink about the conceptual framework,topics of enquiry,and also the procedures and practices at the heart of sociology and other social sciences.However,this emergent turn remains controversial. Pierre Bourdieu even denounces it as an illusion. Despite this, biographical sociology will claim a bigger place in academic research with the coming of so-called “the age of biography”.For its further growth,biographical sociology needs to develop its own framework,referring to classic sociological theories,and also to advance its capability of producing original knowledge about social structure and process from the study of individual life stories.