Comparisons on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Contents in the Topsoil of Tianjin City with Those of Some Foreign Cities

Abstract:Sixteen prior PAHs compound s were measured for totally 188topsoil samp les collected from Tianjin city of China and compared with those of some foreign c ities,including Bankok,Tarlin and New Oreland that located in differen t areas,different latitude regions,a nd all were heavily populated.Industrial activitie s existed in all of these ci ties,but t he time of industrialization was different among them.The studies s h owed that the contents of most PAHcom pounds in Tianjin were much higher th an Bankok,while the contents of low ring PAH compounds in Tarlin were higher than Tianjin,and the high ring PAH compounds in New Oreland were higher than Tianji n.It was found that the contents of PAHs in topsoil of ur ban areas were in pro portion to their levels of industrial-ization and urbanization and conten ts of PAHs in topsoil in those highly i ndustrialized cities were usually h igher tha n others.The contents of high ring compounds were relatively higher in long ind ustria lized cities than newly emerged citi es.Combustion of coal and fuel oil formed main sources of PAHs i n topsoil of urban area,and in some ca ses,petro leum and ore might be the ma jor contributors of PAHs.In global scale,the cont ent s of PAHs in soils were controlled by a number of reasons,such as the type of pollution source,climate and human activities,etc.Climate was one of the p rimary environ mental factors affecting the conten ts of PAHs in topsoil at larg e spatial scale.Natural degrad ation ability of PAHs in topsoil reduced with th e increase of latitude,which had some effects on the transport and fate of PAHs in soils.The volatility of PAHcompounds also differed with latitude and PAHcom pou nds might stay longer in soil in higher latitude areas.In a ddition,long r ange transport of PAH s,especially low ring PAHs might con tribute the accumu-lation of PAHs in soils in different areas.
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