Production of Single Cell Proteins by Degradation of Phenol under Cultivation of Yeast Pityrosporum Sp

Abstract:Biodegradati on of phenol contained in wastewater is a well-known method characterized by its lower cost and without further pollution.In the present re search,Pityrospor um sp.was cultiv ated and reclaimed later as a method f or production of single cell proteins under different initial phenol concentrations.Thus,thi s resear ch is useful for wastewater t reatment and harvesting new findings to degrade ph enol.Degradations of phenol and total organic carbon(TOC)by Pityrosporum sp. with Pityrosporum sp.growth process were discussed.The r esults showed that ph enol degradation was correlated greatly with Pityrosporumsp.growth.The higher phenol degraded rate,the more Pityrosporumsp.biomass increase d.Because Pityr osporumsp.biomass was well expressed in means of Pityrosporum sp.OD 500 ,we were able to safely take OD 500 as index of Pityrosporum sp.biomass in its exponential growth phase in the later research.Net biom ass of Pityrosporumsp.decreased an d longer time cost for the complete degradation of phenol if the initial phenol concentration wa s higher.Increased nitrogen and phosphor concentrations may accelerate the speed of phenol degradation,but no increase of the f inal Pityrosporum sp.biomass.T hus,initial phenol concentration was t he limiting factor of Pityrosporum sp.a ctivity to degrad e phenol.The degradation of TOC was c orrelated with phenol c oncentratio ns in the process of phenol degradation,and phenol reduction was ac companied with TOC' s decrease and Pityrosporum sp.biom ass' s increase.TOC wa s made up of Pityrosporum sp.metab olites mainly when phenol was comple tely de graded in the cultures,which was well demon-strated by the final TOC if the sa me am ount of Pityrosporumsp.was put into the axenic distilled water.TOC decre ased in the process of phenol degradation.With the comp lete degradation of phe nol,TOC concentration remained constant.The Pi tyrosporum sp.biomass of 32 8.2mg could be harveste d in per liter of culture,and 87.3%of TOC could be degraded if 90%of phenol was degraded at initial phenol concentration of 559.0mg ·L-1 .However,just only 256.0mg of bioma ss could be harvested and 80%o f TOC could be degraded if 90%of phenol was degraded at initial phenol concen tr ation of 745.4mg ·L-1 .In conclusion,decreasing of the initial phenol concentration will i ncrea se the final biomass' s transformation rate and reduce the total time for comple te degradation of phenol,and the degradation of phenol contained in wastewater using Pity rosporum sp.was a very promising method.
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