Path Planning Algoirthm Based on Topologymap Structured by Scanning Method
Chong Cheng,Ju He-hua,Chen Yang-zhou,Cui Ping-yuan
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a scan-based path planning algorithm, in which scanning method is introduced to search obstacle's tangent and structure topology map on-line, independent of the geometric shapes and vertexes' information of the obstacles. According to the structured partial topology map of the environment and the global information, heuristic function is used to select tangent point to expand, while update and complement the structured topology map, till a traversable path between starting point and goal is found in the topology map. Two behavioral modes, "go straight line" and "boundary following", are included, and switch between them guarantees that the robot can achieve the goal safely. While a direction selection method is used to minimize scanning scope and improve efficiency. The simulation results prove the effectiveness and correctness of this algorithm. In short, this algorithm has lower computational complexity compared with other existed roadmap algorithms, is feasible for obstacle with arbitrary shape, and easy to realize on-line. I . INTRODUCTION As a critical issue in the field of intelligent robot, several methods for path planning have been introduced, such as cell decomposition method, artificial potential field method, roadmap algorithm and so on. Cell decomposition method can be used almost in every circumstance, but it requires huge storage and entails great computational complexity [1] . As for artificial potential field method, it obtains some inherent limitations, especially the so-called trap situation due to local minima [1][3]. Roadmap algorithm plans a path based on the topology map, which is structured according to the geometric properties of the obstacles [1] . The drawback of this method is the difficulty in obtaining the obstacles' geometric propeliies [5] . In this paper, we propose a scanning method, which is used to search tangent and structure topology map, independent of the geometric shapes and vertexes of the obstacles. According to the structured patiial topology map of the environment and the global information, heuristic function is used to select proper tangent point to expand, while update and complement the structured topology map, till a This work was sponsored by National Science Foundation of China, No 60374067 Chong Cheng is with Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, CO 100022 China (phone: +86-10-67396189; fax: +86-10-67396189; e-mail: 0-7803-9315-5/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE 117 traversable path between starting point and goal is found in the topology map. Two behavioral modes, "go straight line" and "boundary following", are designed to guarantee that the robot can anive the target safely [4] . In this paper, we use scanning method to search tangent, and don't rely on the geometric propeliies of the obstacles, therefore this algorithm is feasible for obstacles with arbitrary shapes and low in computational complexity. While heuristic function is used to select proper tangent point to expand, and complement the structured topology map gradually, rather than structure the topology map of the total environment one-off. That reduces the computational complexity, and makes the algorithm easy to realize on-line. The application of direction selection method minimizes the scanning scope. In addition, this algorithm also possesses the advantage of provable completeness and conectness. II. SCAN-BASED PATH PLANNING ALGORITHM The algorithm proposed in this paper includes two main steps, I) use the scanning method to search tangent, while structure and update topology map, 2) selecting proper tangent point to expand by heuristic function A The Topology Map Structured By Scanning Method In a binary image, a matrix contains only 1 and 0 is used to represent the image. If the black areas are used to represent obstacle areas and the rest of places are defined as traversable areas, pixel value can be used to distinguish the two areas. As shown in figure 1, line segments were created by connecting two end points, the current tangent point and each pixel point along the boundary of the image. The position of every pixel point on each line segment is calculated by Bresenhan algorithm, and its pixel value is gotten from matrix according to its coordination. If no point on a line segment with pixel value 0, the line segment locates completely in the traversable area. If on a line segment, the number of point with pixel value 0 exceeds 1, that line segment intersects with obstacle. If and only if one point with pixel value 0 on the line, that line segment is tangent to the obstacle, and that point is tangent point. Using the scanning method mentioned above, tangents from the robot's cunent point to its visible obstacles can be found, and those tangents can be regarded as traversable paths. We define the point, at which robot depart the obstacle boundary, as the leaving point. The curve between leaving x point and its father tangent point on the same obstacle boundary is also a traversable path.