Clinical Study on Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Late Stage Gastric Carcinoma

Abstract:To evaluate the effects of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for patients with late stage gastric carcinoma, and to compare the response to intr avenous chemotherapy with that of interventional chemotherapy. Methods: Twe nty patiens with stage Ⅲb or Ⅳ gastric carcinoma were en rolled, and randomly a ssigned to receive either intravenous or intra-arterial i nterventional chemothe rapy consisting of 5-FU(with or without leucovorin)+cispl atin+pirarubicin for 2 -4 courses before undergoing surgery. Response was assess ed by pre-operative u pper gastrointestinal series, spiral CT and endoscopic ult rasonography, and by p athological examination of the resected specimen. Results: Ten of the 20 patients were downstaged(50%), and subtotal o r total gastrectomy was c arried out in 14 patients; 6 cases belonged to the int ravenous group and 8 cases to the interventional chemotherapy group. Although t here was no statistical dif ference as to the clinical response to pre-operative chemotherapy between the t wo groups, the histological response was more eviden t in the intravenous chemoth erapy group as compared with the intravenous chemot herapy group and the control group(87.5% vs 33.3% and 20%,P0.0 5). Conclusions: Pre-operative neoadjuvant chemotherapy helped to downstage cases of late st age gastric carcinoma and enhance resectability. Interventional chemotherapy see med to produce better effect than intravenous ch emotherpay.
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