Characteristics of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium uptaKe and accumulation of potato in Ningxia

Wen-shou HE,Kun MA,Xiao-hua DAI,Jin-zhi HE,Ren-biao MA
Abstract:Objectives]Characteristics of nitrogen( N),PhosPhorus( P)and Potassium( K)uPtakes of Potato P1ants have been researched wor1dwide,but few did in Ningxia region. There are not necessary Parameter for Potato formu1a ferti1ization techno1ogy,resu1ting in b1ind ferti1ization in Production Practice. Therefore,characteristics of absorPtion and accumu1ation of N,P,and K nutrients were studied according to soi1 condition of Potato P1anting bases in Ningxia for Providing a scientific basis for the Potato Precise ferti1ization.[Methods]Fie1d exPeriments were conducted in Potato bases in four counties of Ningxia in 2012. The ferti1izer aPP1ying rates were made in accordance with the 1oca1 recommended ferti1ization. 70% nitrogen ferti1izer,tota1 farmyard manure and PhosPhorus and Potassium ferti1izers are basa1 aPP1ied,and 30% nitrogen are toPdressed at the budding Period of Potato. P1ant samP1es were co11ected to test fresh weights and dry matters of different organs at different growth stages. The contents of N,P,and K in roots,stems,1eaves and tubers were determined after the P1ant samP1es were dried at 70℃. The dry matter accumu1ation of N,P and K was ca1cu1ated.[Results]1 ) The amount of dry matter accumu1ation increases with Potato growth Period and can be mode1ed as a Logistic curve. The accumu1ated amounts of dry matter at the seed1ing,tuber formation,tuber bu1king and starch accumu1ation stages account for 5%,20%, 40% and 35% of tota1 cumu1ative amount,resPective1y. 2 )The nitrogen contents in Potato P1ant decrease with Potato growth and the coefficient of variation is high. The PhosPhorus and Potassium contents in Potato P1ant increase first and then decrease with Potato growth,but the coefficients of variation are 1ow. The highest contents of nitrogen and PhosPhorus are in 1eaves,whi1e the highest Potassium content in stems. 3)The absorPtive amounts of N,P and K at the seed1ing stage account for about 11%,6% and 8% of the tota1 amount in the who1e stages, about 28%,23% and 31% at the tuber formation,and about 36%,39% and 41% at the tuber exPansion stage, and about 25%,31% and 20% at the starch formation. The accumu1ation amounts of N and P in tubers account for more than 60% of the tota1 accumu1ation at the maturity Period and K about 50%.[Conclusions]Under the tested soi1 condition,the accumu1ated amounts of dry matter and absorPtive amounts of nutrients( N,P and K)by Potato are different in different growth stages and Potato organs. The accumu1ation of dry matter and absorPtion of nutrients of Potato are in accordance with Logistic curves,showeing obvious stage characteristic for nutrients absorPtion. The nutrient absorPtion at the tuber exPansion stage is the 1argest,and those at the tuber formation and starch accumu1ation stages are 1ow. The ratios of N,P and K uPtakes in roots,stems and 1eaves in the tota1 uPtake decrease with growth stage,whi1e the ratios of uPtakes of N,P and K in tubers increase,and the accumu1ated amounts of nutrients in tubers at the maturity account for more than ha1f of the tota1 nutrients in who1e P1ant.
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