Action mechanism of sucrose and photoperiod on bulblet enlargement of Lilium sargentiae
Lingyun ZHOU,Suping GAO,Feng CHEN
Abstract:Summary Lily has high ornamental and economic value. However,the reproduction rate of traditional propagation method was low,and was easily infected,causing degradation of bulbs and associated problems. Application of tissue culture techniques can greatly improve the reproduction coefficient in the production process, but the weakness of plantlets and low survival rate in the transplanting process have become a prominent problem during the commercial process of lily bulbs.Hence,to cultivate strong seedling and increase survival rate,we could promote the formation and enlargement of bulbs by in vitro culture.This study aimed to explore the influence of sucrose and photoperiod on the enlargement of in vitro bulblet of Lilium sargentiae and their interaction effect,and to explain their action mechanism in the process of in vitro bulblet enlargement.
<br> Sterile buds induced by bulblet scales of L. sargentiae as explants were selected as materials. The experiments were conducted under three different concentrations of sucrose(30,60 and 90 g/L)and five different photoperiods (0,8,12,1 6 and 24 h/d).The morphological index,endogenous sugar and related enzymatic activity changes were measured in formation and enlargement of in vitro bulblet.
<br> The results showed that:1) The optimal condition for bulblet enlargement was sucrose concentration of 60 g/L and photoperiod of 8 h/d.At a certain concentration of sucrose,there was no significant difference between the photoperiods of 8 h/d and 0 h/d.2) Under the sucrose concentration of 30 g/L and different lighting conditions,the trend was W-type for sucrose content,and M-type for both fructose and glucose contents;under the sucrose concentrations of 60 and 90 g/L,the trend of sucrose content was fall-rise-fall,while the trend of fructose and glucose contents was rise-fall-rise,opposite to that of sucrose content.3) Among treatments with different sucrose concentrations,the change trend of sucrose phosphate synthase activity was basically the same with that of the sucrose content,but the change trends of the sucrose synthase activity and sucrose content were opposite.
<br> In conclusion,60 g/L sucrose in complete darkness can promote bulblet enlargement in production.The sucrose synthase is involved in decomposition process of sucrose,while the sucrose phosphate synthase is involved in the accumulation process of sucrose.Sucrose not only plays a physiological role,but also may play a sugar signal role in the bulblet enlargement process,both of which are strictly regulated by sugar concentration.Sucrose concentration and photoperiod have interaction effect on the induction and enlargement of in vitro bulblets,but the effect of sucrose is greater.Thus,sucrose is a major factor for the formation and enlargement of in vitro bulblets.