Detecting the Transport of Materials with Axoplasm along the Axon at the Early Stage after Phrenic Nerve Neurotization Via SPECT on a Rabbit Model

Abstract:Objective To study the feasibility of estimating the regenerative quality of transferred phrenic ne rve by SPECT. Methods Two tracers, 131 I-tyrosine and 99 Tc m-methylene d iphosphonic acid (MDP) were selected. SPECT compounded with high-energy colli ma tion implement (for 131 I) and low-energy collimation implement ( for 99 Tc m) was used. A rabbit model was set up. 131 I-tyrosine was injected into the normal sciatic nerve and transferred phr enic nerve by micro-syringe. The SPECT scanning was carried out at different i ntervals. The tracing image of 131 I was used for detecting the ma terial migration along the axon and bone image of 99 Tc m-MD P was used for the bone orientation, these two images were interinfiltrat ed then. Results The radioactivity of 131 I-tyrosine could be detected by SPECT, the transportation speed was about 30 mm/d in rabbit 's normal sciatic nerve. For phrenic nerve transfer group, the 131 I-tyrosine was transported distally to the anastomotic site along with axoplasm in good regeneration group one month after anastomosis, the transportation spee d was 40 mm/d. In scar group, the 131 I-tyrosine was accumulated a pproximately at the anastomotic site and could not be transported distally. Conclusions The image of 131 I-tyrosine transported with n erve axoplasm could be displayed by SPECT in vivo. The method could be used to d etect the circulation of regenerated axoplasm passing through the anastomotic si te at the early stage after nerve transferring operation.
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