Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma:clinical and histopathological studies of 5 cases

Abstract:objectiveTo study the clinical pathological chara cte ristics, the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of subependymal giant cell ast rocytoma MethodsThe clinical and pathological data of 5 cas es were reviewed, hematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemical stains were performed in paraffin-embedded tissure sections ResultsThe aver age age at the time of surgery of 5 patients was 8 75 years, and the main sympt oms were epilepsy and headache There were masses that could be enhanced in the lateral ventricles, and under microscope, many gemistocytic and ganglioneurocyt ic-like cells were seen, which were positive for GFAP, vimentin, S-100 and no more than 4% positive for ki-67 ConclusionsSubependymal gi ant cell astrocytoma is a specific benign tumor of the brain, and it is very imp ortant to differentiate it from gemistocytic astrocytoma, gaint cell glioblastom a, gangliocytoma and ganglioglioma
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