The Effect of Superovulation Assisted by GnRHa on Endometrial Morphology and Estrogen Receptor and Progesterone Receptor in Mouse

Abstract:Objective To evaluate the effect of GnRHa induced superovulation protocol onendometrial morphology and function.Material & Methods Forty ICR mice were randomly allocated into 4 groups, amongthem, 2 experimental groups were injected with GnRHa +HMG +hCG, another 2groups were given saline of same volume as control group. The uterine tissues were in-vestigated at 24 h and 48 h after administration (experimental group) or ovulation(control group). The endometrial thickness, the size of gland and glandular lumen,the total area of glandular cells, the average height of glandular epithelium weremeasured from routine histological slides using computerized image analysis. The SPimmunohistochemistry techniques with monoclonal antibodies were employed to semi-quantitatively analize the estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) inglandular cells.Results The endometrial thickness was not significantly different between experimen-tal groups and control groups at 24 h and 48 h (P> 0. 05). The average area, perime-ter, maximal diameter of single gland and glandular lumen, the total area, averageheight of glandular epithelium in experimental groups were significantly smaller thanthose of in control groups at equivalent time stages (all P< 0. 01). The asynchronousdevelopment of gland epithelium and stroma cells, namely, pesudostratified glandu-lar epithelium and predecidual changes of stroma cells were seen at same time in exper-imental groups. The positive percentage (%) and expression intense of ER and PR inglandular epithelium cells were significantly lower in experimental groups than incontrol groups (P< 0. 05).Conclusion The protocol with GnRHa had a negative effect on endometrial histologi-cal structure and down regulated the express of ER and PR, suggesting that thisprotocol effect on the endometrial morphology and function and could not facilitate theformation of a physiologic endometrium completely, which may be one of the causes oflow pregnancy rates.
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