Compression of Hyperspectral Image Based on Spectral Classification

Abstract:A new method based on spectral classification is proposed for hyperspectral im age data compression. Original hyperspectral image is reduced to a cluster ta ble and pixel values that are now indices to the cluster table.To be able to pe rform classifying,it is very important to define aprecise measure by which minim um error is acquired.This paper describes three techniques for spectral classifi cation at the cost of some loss in fidelity of the reconstructed data.They are W avelet Transform, Euclidean Distance,and Maximal Distanc. Wavelet Transform get s the best reconstructed image with the most time expense.The performance of E uclidean Distance is inferior to Wavelet Transform,but using much less time, M aximal Distance gets the worst result ,while taking the least time.The compre ssion/decompression quality can be evalulated using Signal\--to\--noise Ratio(P NSR).It is experienced that these three techniques described can achieve comp ression ratios of greater than 45:1 with average PNSR of 39.65db,41.33db,43.45d b.
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