Palliative Operation Procedures for Late Obstructive Jaundice

Abstract:Objective To evaluate the effect of many methods biliary drainage for unresectable obstructive jaundice. Methods External or internal drainage were made by porta of liver, fossa for gallbladder, surface of liver, middle fissure separation, partial resection of quadrate sepment or interventional. Results Access of pora of liver in 51 cases, access of fossa for sallbladder in 5 cases, access of suface of liverin 27 cases, access of middle fissure separation in 50ceass, access of partial resection of quadrate segment in 10 ceases. External drainage intrahepatic were performed in 42 cases, Biliary enteric anastomasis were performed in 47 cases. Stent implat drainage were performed in 54 cases, no-in-hospital death, The surgical operation rate was 81%. The bilrubin level fell markelly. The effective relieve jaundice of rate was 78.3%. The postoperation morbidity including biliary fistula, subdiaphragmatic, incision infection and tube block. External drainage of right intrahepatic by PTCD were performed in 7cases. External drainage right and left of intrahepatic by PTCD were maded in 10 cases. PTCD and PTBS (stent implantation) were maded in 33 cases. the bilrubin level feel markelly. The effective relieve jaundice of rate was 80%. The main complications in cluding cholangitis and pancreatitis. Comclusions Surgical biliary drainage plays an important method in relieving symptoms, improving life quality and prolonging life time for unresectable malignant bile obstruction.
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