Spatial-temporal variations in ecosystem service of urban agriculture in Xi'an metropolitan zone

FENG Hai-jian,ZHOU Zhong-xue
Abstract:The ecologicalservice ofurban agriculture developed a special spatial-tem poralpattern during the process of interactive coupling betw een the city and its regionalagriculture.The variations have a large im pacton the sustainable developm entboth in the urban and ruralareas.U sing A rcG IS-based grid (30 m × 30 m )analysis m ethod,w e studied the characteristicsofspatial-tem poralvariationsin eco-service functionsofurban agriculture in X i'an m etropolitan zone.The results show ed that,from the fringe of the m etropolitan to its core area ,the total value and the density of the urban agriculture eco-service presented a decreasing pattern varying from 2005 to 2011.The dynam ic change of eco-service function had a clear spatialpattern.Location of high eco-service density values w as relatively stable. A reas of m edian eco-service value had declined and scattered,low eco-service value areas had severely shrunk and fragm ented.Factors contributing to the form ation of the spatial pattern include the regional population increase, urbanization, econom ic developm ent,industrialrestructuring and technicalim provem ent.
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