Application of temporalis muscle and temporal fascial flaps in treatment of moderate periorbital depressed deformity

Abstract:Objective To evaluate the application of temporalis mus cle and temporal fas cial flaps in treatment of moderate periorbital depres s ed deformity.Metho ds Temporalis mus cle flap pedicled with temporal s uperficial ves s els and temporal fas cial flap pedicled with temporal profound ves s els were des ig ned res pectively,and treatment with the flaps were performed.Res ults In8cas es,the flaps s uvived well,and fig ure was s atis factory.In one cas e,frontal branch of facial nerve was pals ied,but res tored after3months.Co nclus io n This method is more convenient and effective for treatment of moderate periorbital depres s ed deformity.
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