A Geometry Method for Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations with Complex Boundary and Bi-Parallel Algorithm
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0254-3079.2012.01.001
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica
Abstract:In this paper, a new algorithm based on differential geometry viewpoint to
solve the 3D rotating Navier-Stokes equations with complex Boundary is
proposed, which is called Bi-parallel algorithm. For xample, it can be applied
to passage flow between two blades in impeller and circulation flow through
aircrafts with complex geometric shape of boundary. Assume that a domain in
$R^3$ can be decomposed into a series sub-domain, which is called "flow layer",
by a series smooth surface $\Im_k, k=1,...,M$. Applying differential geometry
method, the 3D Navier-Stokes operator can be split into two kind of operator:
the "Membrane Operator" on the tangent space at the surface $\Im_k$ and the
"Bending Operator" along the transverse direction. The Bending Operators are
approximated by the finite different quotients and restricted the 3D
Naver-Stokes equations on the interface surface $\Im_k$, a Bi-Parallel
algorithm can be constructed along two directors: "Bending" direction and
"Membrane" directors. The advantages of the method are that: (1) it can improve
the accuracy of approximate solution caused of irregular mesh nearly the
complex boundary; (2) it can overcome the numerically effects of boundary
layer, whic is a good boundary layer numerical method; (3) it is sufficiency to
solve a two dimensional sub-problem without solving 3D sub-problem.