Domain Application of High Performance Computing in Earth Science: An Example of Dust Storm Modeling and Visualization
Qunying Huang,Jing Li,Tong Zhang
Abstract:Earth science models often raise computational challenges, requiring a large number of computing resources, and serial computing using a single computer is not sufficient. Further, earth science datasets produced by observations and models are increasingly larger and complex, exceeding the limits of most analysis and visualization tools, as well as the capacities of a single computer. HPC enabled modeling, analysis, and visualization solutions are needed to better understand the behaviors, dynamics, and interactions of the complex earth system and its sub-systems. However, there are a wide range of computing paradigms (e.g., Cluster, Grid, GPU, Volunteer and Cloud Computing), and associated parallel programming standards and libraries (e.g., MPI/OpenMPI, CUDA, and MapReduce). In addition, the selection of specific HPC technologies varies widely for different datasets, computational models, and user requirements. To demystify the HPC technologies and unfold different computing options for scientists, this chapter first presents a generalized HPC architecture for earth science applications, and then demonstrates how such a generalized architecture can be instantiated to support the modeling and visualization of dust storms.