Neutrophils in cancer development and progression: Roles, mechanisms, and implications (Review)
Xu Zhang,Wen Zhang,Xiao Yuan,Min Fu,Hui Qian,Wenrong Xu
International Journal of Oncology
Abstract:After the publication of the article, the authors noted that there was a wrong citation for reference 116. This might be caused by reference formating software during writing. The wrongly cited reference in the article: 116. Chen X, Sun J, Song Y, Gao P, Zhao J, Huang X, Liu B, Xu H and Wang Z: The novel long noncoding RNA AC138128.1 may be a predictive biomarker in gastric cancer. Med Oncol 31: 262, 2014. Should be replaced with the right one as shown below: 116. Chen L, Li Q, Zhou XD, Shi Y, Yang L, Xu SL, Chen C, Cui YH, Zhang X and Bian XW: Increased pro-angiogenic factors, infiltrating neutrophils and CD163(+) macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from lung cancer patients. Int Immunopharmacol 20: 74-80, 2014. Furthermore, we regret any inconvenience this mistake has caused. [the original article was published in the International Journal of Oncology 49: 857-867, 2016; DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2016.3616].