Dynamic Programming for General Linear Quadratic Optimal Stochastic Control with Random Coefficients
Shanjian Tang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1137/140979940
IF: 2.2
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Abstract:We are concerned with the linear-quadratic optimal stochastic control problem with random coefficients. Under suitable conditions, we prove that the value field $V(t,x,\omega), (t,x,\omega)\in [0,T]\times R^n\times \Omega$, is quadratic in $x$, and has the following form: $V(t,x)=\langle K_tx, x\rangle$ where $K$ is an essentially bounded nonnegative symmetric matrix-valued adapted processes. Using the dynamic programming principle (DPP), we prove that $K$ is a continuous semi-martingale of the form $$K_t=K_0+\int_0^t \, dk_s+\sum_{i=1}^d\int_0^tL_s^i\, dW_s^i, \quad t\in [0,T]$$ with $k$ being a continuous process of bounded variation and $$E\left[\left(\int_0^T|L_s|^2\, ds\right)^p\right] <\infty, \quad \forall p\ge 2; $$ and that $(K, L)$ with $L:=(L^1, \cdots, L^d)$ is a solution to the associated backward stochastic Riccati equation (BSRE), whose generator is highly nonlinear in the unknown pair of processes. The uniqueness is also proved via a localized completion of squares in a self-contained manner for a general BSRE. The existence and uniqueness of adapted solution to a general BSRE was initially proposed by the French mathematician J. M. Bismut (1976, 1978). It had been solved by the author (2003) via the stochastic maximum principle with a viewpoint of stochastic flow for the associated stochastic Hamiltonian system. The present paper is its companion, and gives the {\it second but more comprehensive} adapted solution to a general BSRE via the DDP. Further extensions to the jump-diffusion control system and to the general nonlinear control system are possible.