Massive quark propagator and competition between chiral and diquark condensate
Mei Huang,Pengfei Zhaung,Weiqin Chao
Abstract:The Green-function approach has been extended to the moderate baryon density region in the framework of an extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, and the thermodynamic potential with both chiral and diquark condensates has been evaluated by using the massive quark propagator. The phase structure along the chemical potential direction has been investigated and the strong competition between the chiral and diquark condensate has been analyzed by investigating the influence of the diquark condensate on the sharp Fermi surface. The influence of the diquark condensate on the quark properties has been investigated, even though the quarks in the color breaking phase are very different from that in the chiral breaking phase, the difference between quarks in different colors is very small.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,Nuclear Theory