Forward J/ψ Production in U+U Collisions at √(s_nn)=193 GeV

A. Adare,C. Aidala,N. N. Ajitanand,Y. Akiba,R. Akimoto,J. Alexander,M. Alfred,K. Aoki,N. Apadula,H. Asano,E. T. Atomssa,T. C. Awes,B. Azmoun,V. Babintsev,M. Bai,X. Bai,N. S. Bandara,B. Bannier,K. N. Barish,S. Bathe,V. Baublis,C. Baumann,S. Baumgart,A. Bazilevsky,M. Beaumier,S. Beckman,R. Belmont,A. Berdnikov,Y. Berdnikov,D. Black,D. S. Blau,J. S. Bok,K. Boyle,M. L. Brooks,J. Bryslawskyj,H. Buesching,V. Bumazhnov,S. Butsyk,S. Campbell,C. -H. Chen,C. Y. Chi,M. Chiu,I. J. Choi,J. B. Choi,S. Choi,P. Christiansen,T. Chujo,V. Cianciolo,Z. Citron,B. A. Cole,N. Cronin,N. Crossette,M. Csanád,T. Csörgő,D. Danley,A. Datta,M. S. Daugherity,G. David,K. DeBlasio,K. Dehmelt,A. Denisov,A. Deshpande,E. J. Desmond,L. Ding,A. Dion,P. B. Diss,J. H. Do,L. D'Orazio,O. Drapier,A. Drees,K. A. Drees,J. M. Durham,A. Durum,T. Engelmore,A. Enokizono,S. Esumi,K. O. Eyser,B. Fadem,N. Feege,D. E. Fields,M. Finger,M. Jr. Finger,F. Fleuret,S. L. Fokin,J. E. Frantz,A. Franz,A. D. Frawley,Y. Fukao,T. Fusayasu,K. Gainey,C. Gal,P. Gallus,P. Garg,A. Garishvili,I. Garishvili,H. Ge,F. Giordano,A. Glenn,X. Gong,M. Gonin,Y. Goto,R. Granier de Cassagnac,N. Grau,S. V. Greene,M. Grosse Perdekamp,Y. Gu,T. Gunji,H. Guragain,T. Hachiya,J. S. Haggerty,K. I. Hahn,H. Hamagaki,H. F. Hamilton,S. Y. Han,J. Hanks,S. Hasegawa,T. O. S. Haseler,K. Hashimoto,R. Hayano,X. He,T. K. Hemmick,T. Hester,J. C. Hill,R. S. Hollis,K. Homma,B. Hong,T. Hoshino,N. Hotvedt,J. Huang,S. Huang,T. Ichihara,Y. Ikeda,K. Imai,Y. Imazu,M. Inaba,A. Iordanova,D. Isenhower,A. Isinhue,D. Ivanishchev,B. V. Jacak,S. J. Jeon,M. Jezghani,J. Jia,X. Jiang,B. M. Johnson,K. S. Joo,D. Jouan,D. S. Jumper,J. Kamin,S. Kanda,B. H. Kang,J. H. Kang,J. S. Kang,J. Kapustinsky,D. Kawall,A. V. Kazantsev,J. A. Key,V. Khachatryan,P. K. Khandai,A. Khanzadeev,K. M. Kijima,C. Kim,D. J. Kim,E. -J. Kim,G. W. Kim,M. Kim,Y. -J. Kim,Y. K. Kim,B. Kimelman,E. Kistenev,R. Kitamura,J. Klatsky,D. Kleinjan,P. Kline,T. Koblesky,M. Kofarago,B. Komkov,J. Koster,D. Kotchetkov,D. Kotov,F. Krizek,K. Kurita,M. Kurosawa,Y. Kwon,R. Lacey,Y. S. Lai,J. G. Lajoie,A. Lebedev,D. M. Lee,G. H. Lee,J. Lee,K. B. Lee,K. S. Lee,S Lee,S. H. Lee,M. J. Leitch,M. Leitgab,B. Lewis,X. Li,S. H. Lim,M. X. Liu,D. Lynch,C. F. Maguire,Y. I. Makdisi,M. Makek,A. Manion,V. I. Manko,E. Mannel,T. Maruyama,M. McCumber,P. L. McGaughey,D. McGlinchey,C. McKinney,A. Meles,M. Mendoza,B. Meredith,Y. Miake,T. Mibe,A. C. Mignerey,A. Milov,D. K. Mishra,J. T. Mitchell,S. Miyasaka,S. Mizuno,A. K. Mohanty,S. Mohapatra,P. Montuenga,T. Moon,D. P. Morrison,M. Moskowitz,T. V. Moukhanova,T. Murakami,J. Murata,A. Mwai,T. Nagae,S. Nagamiya,K. Nagashima,J. L. Nagle,M. I. Nagy,I. Nakagawa,H. Nakagomi,Y. Nakamiya,K. R. Nakamura,T. Nakamura,K. Nakano,C. Nattrass,P. K. Netrakanti,M. Nihashi,T. Niida,S. Nishimura,R. Nouicer,T. Novak,N. Novitzky,A. S. Nyanin,E. O'Brien,C. A. Ogilvie,H. Oide,K. Okada,J. D. Orjuela Koop,J. D. Osborn,A. Oskarsson,K. Ozawa,R. Pak,V. Pantuev,V. Papavassiliou,I. H. Park,J. S. Park,S. Park,S. K. Park,S. F. Pate,L. Patel,M. Patel,J. -C. Peng,D. V. Perepelitsa,G. D. N. Perera,D. Yu. Peressounko,J. Perry,R. Petti,C. Pinkenburg,R. Pinson,R. P. Pisani,M. L. Purschke,H. Qu,J. Rak,B. J. Ramson,I. Ravinovich,K. F. Read,D. Reynolds,V. Riabov,Y. Riabov,E. Richardson,T. Rinn,N. Riveli,D. Roach,S. D. Rolnick,M. Rosati,Z. Rowan,J. G. Rubin,M. S. Ryu,B. Sahlmueller,N. Saito,T. Sakaguchi,H. Sako,V. Samsonov,M. Sarsour,S. Sato,S. Sawada,B. Schaefer,B. K. Schmoll,K. Sedgwick,J. Seele,R. Seidl,Y. Sekiguchi,A. Sen,R. Seto,P. Sett,A. Sexton,D. Sharma,A. Shaver,I. Shein,T. -A. Shibata,K. Shigaki,M. Shimomura,K. Shoji,P. Shukla,A. Sickles,C. L. Silva,D. Silvermyr,B. K. Singh,C. P. Singh,V. Singh,M. Skolnik,M. Slunečka,M. Snowball,S. Solano,R. A. Soltz,W. E. Sondheim,S. P. Sorensen,I. V. Sourikova,P. W. Stankus,P. Steinberg,E. Stenlund,M. Stepanov,A. Ster,S. P. Stoll,M. R. Stone,T. Sugitate,A. Sukhanov,T. Sumita,J. Sun,J. Sziklai,A. Takahara,A. Taketani,Y. Tanaka,K. Tanida,M. J. Tannenbaum,S. Tarafdar,A. Taranenko,E. Tennant,R. Tieulent,A. Timilsina,T. Todoroki,M. Tomášek,H. Torii,C. L. Towell,R. Towell,R. S. Towell,I. Tserruya,H. W. van Hecke,M. Vargyas,E. Vazquez-Zambrano,A. Veicht,J. Velkovska,R. Vértesi,M. Virius,V. Vrba,E. Vznuzdaev,X. R. Wang,D. Watanabe,K. Watanabe,Y. Watanabe,Y. S. Watanabe,F. Wei,S. Whitaker,A. S. White,S. Wolin,C. L. Woody,M. Wysocki,B. Xia,L. Xue,S. Yalcin,Y. L. Yamaguchi,A. Yanovich,S. Yokkaichi,J. H. Yoo,I. Yoon,Z. You,I. Younus,H. Yu,I. E. Yushmanov,W. A. Zajc,A. Zelenski,S. Zhou,L. Zou
Abstract:The invariant yields for J/ψ production at forward rapidity (1.2<|y|<2.2) in U+U collisions at √(s__NN)=193 GeV have been measured as a function of collision centrality. The invariant yields and nuclear-modification factor R_AA are presented and compared with those from Au+Au collisions in the same rapidity range. Additionally, the direct ratio of the invariant yields from U+U and Au+Au collisions within the same centrality class is presented, and used to investigate the role of cc̅ coalescence. Two different parameterizations of the deformed Woods-Saxon distribution were used in Glauber calculations to determine the values of the number of nucleon-nucleon collisions in each centrality class, N_ coll, and these were found to give significantly different N_ coll values. Results using N_ coll values from both deformed Woods-Saxon distributions are presented. The measured ratios show that the J/ψ suppression, relative to binary collision scaling, is similar in U+U and Au+Au for peripheral and midcentral collisions, but that J/ψ show less suppression for the most central U+U collisions. The results are consistent with a picture in which, for central collisions, increase in the J/ψ yield due to cc̅ coalescence becomes more important than the decrease in yield due to increased energy density. For midcentral collisions, the conclusions about the balance between cc̅ coalescence and suppression depend on which deformed Woods-Saxon distribution is used to determine N_ coll.
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