Glueballs amass at RHIC and LHC Colliders! - The early quarkless 1st order phase transition at $T=270$ MeV - from pure Yang-Mills glue plasma to GlueBall-Hagedorn states
Horst Stoecker,Kai Zhou,Stefan Schramm,Florian Senzel,Carsten Greiner,M. Beitel,Kai Gallmeister,Mark I. Gorenstein,Igor Mishustin,David Vasak,Jan Steinheimer,Juergen Struckmeier,Volodymyr Vovchenko,L. M. Satarov,Zhe Xu,Pengfei Zhuang,László P. Csernai,Bikash Sinha,Sibaji Raha,Tamás S. Biró,Marco Panero
Abstract:The early stage of high multiplicity pp, pA and AA collider is represented by a nearly quarkless, hot, deconfined pure gluon plasma. According to pure Yang-Mills Lattice Gauge Theory, this hot pure glue matter undergoes, at a high temperature, $T_c = 270$ MeV, a first order phase transition into a confined Hagedorn-GlueBall fluid. These new scenario should be characterized by a suppression of high $p_T$ photons and dileptons, baryon suppression and enhanced strange meson production. We propose to observe this newly predicted class of events at LHC and RHIC.