Surface Criticality of the Antiferromagnetic Potts Model
Li-Ru Zhang,Chengxiang Ding,Youjin Deng,Long Zhang
Abstract:We study the three-state antiferromagnetic Potts model on the simple-cubic lattice, paying attention to the surface critical behaviors. When the nearest-neighboring interactions of the surface is tuned, we obtain a phase diagram similar to the XY model, owing to the emergent O(2) symmetry of the bulk critical point. For the ordinary transition, we get (yh1) = 0.780(3), eta(parallel to) = 1.44(1), and eta(perpendicular to) = 0.736(6); for the special transition, we get y(s) = 0.59(1), y(h1) = 1.693(2),eta(parallel to) = -0.391(4), and eta(perpendicular to) = -0.179(5); in the extraordinary-log phase, the surface correlation function C-parallel to(r) decays logarithmically with decaying exponent q = 0.60(2), however, the correlation C-parallel to(r) still decays algebraically with critical exponent eta(perpendicular to) = -0.442( 5). If the ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighboring surface interactions are added, we find two transition points, the first one is a special point between the ordinary phase and the extraordinary-log phase, the second one is a transition between the extraordinary-log phase and the Z(6) symmetry-breaking phase, with critical exponent y(s) = 0.41(2). The scaling behaviors of the second transition is very interesting, the surface spin-correlation function C-parallel to(r), and the surface squared staggered magnetization at this point decays logarithmically with exponent q = 0.37( 1); however, the surface structure factor with the smallest wave vector and the correlation function C-perpendicular to(r) satisfy power-law decaying, with critical exponents eta(parallel to) = -0.69(1) and eta(perpendicular to) = -0.37(1), respectively.