The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS): the Scientific Goals of a Shallow and Wide Submillimeter Imaging Survey with SPIRE

Asantha Cooray,Steve Eales,Scott Chapman,David L. Clements,Olivier Dore,Duncan Farrah,Matt J. Jarvis,Manoj Kaplinghat,Mattia Negrello,Alessandro Melchiorri,Hiranya Peiris,Alexandra Pope,Mario G. Santos,Stephen Serjeant,Mark Thompson,Glenn White,Alexandre Amblard,Manda Banerji,Pier-Stefano Corasaniti,Sudeep Das,Francesco de_Bernardis,Gianfranco de_Zotti,Tommaso Giannantonio,Joaquin Gonzalez-Nuevo Gonzalez,Ali Ahmad Khostovan,Ketron Mitchell-Wynne,Paolo Serra,Yong-Seon Song,Joaquin Vieira,Lingyu Wang,Michael Zemcov,Filipe Abdalla,Jose Afonso,Nabila Aghanim,Paola Andreani,Itziar Aretxaga,Robbie Auld,Maarten Baes,Andrew Baker,Denis Barkats,R. Belen Barreiro,Nicola Bartolo,Elizabeth Barton,Sudhanshu Barway,Elia Stefano Battistelli,Carlton Baugh,Alexander Beelen,Karim Benabed,Andrew Blain,Joss Bland-Hawthorn,James~J. Bock,J. Richard Bond,Julian Borrill,Colin Borys,Alessandro Boselli,Francois R. Bouchet,Carrie Bridge,Fabrizio Brighenti,Veronique Buat,David Buote,Denis Burgarella,Robert Bussmann,Erminia Calabrese,Christopher Cantalupo,Raymond Carlberg,Carla Sofia Carvalho,Caitlin Casey,Antonio Cava,Jordi Cepa,Edward Chapin,Ranga Ram Chary,Xuelei Chen,Sergio Colafrancesco,Shaun Cole,Peter Coles,Alexander Conley,Luca Conversi,Jeff Cooke,Steven Crawford,Catherine Cress,Elisabete da Cunha,Gavin Dalton,Luigi Danese,Helmut Dannerbauer,Jonathan Davies,Paolo de Bernardis,Roland de Putter,Mark Devlin,Jose M. Diego,Herve Dole,Marian Douspis,Joanna Dunkley,James Dunlop,Loretta Dunne,Rolando Dunner,Simon Dye,George Efstathiou,Eiichi Egami,Taotao Fang,Patrizia Ferrero,Alberto Franceschini,Christopher C. Frazer,David Frayer,Carlos Frenk,Ken Ganga,Raphael Gavazzi,Jason Glenn,Yan Gong,Eduardo Gonzalez-Solares,Matt Griffin,Qi Guo,Mark Gurwell,Amir Hajian,Mark Halpern,Duncan Hanson,Martin Hardcastle,Evanthia Hatziminaoglou,Alan Heavens,Sebastien Heinis,Diego Herranz,Matt Hilton,Shirley Ho,Benne W. Holwerda,Rosalind Hopwood,Jonathan Horner,Kevin Huffenberger,David H. Hughes,John P. Hughes,Edo Ibar,Rob Ivison,Neal Jackson,Andrew Jaffe,Timothy Jenness,Gilles Joncas,Shahab Joudaki,Sugata Kaviraj,Sam Kim,Lindsay King,Theodore Kisner,Johan Knapen,Alexei Kniazev,Eiichiro Komatsu,Leon Koopmans,Chao-Lin Kuo,Cedric Lacey,Ofer Lahav,Anthony N. Lasenby,Andy Lawrence,Myung Gyoon Lee,Lerothodi L. Leeuw,Louis R. Levenson,Geraint Lewis,Nicola Loaring,Marcos Lopez-Caniego,Steve Maddox,Tobias Marriage,Gaelen Marsden,Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez,Silvia Masi,Sabino Matarrese,William G. Mathews,Shuji Matsuura,Richard McMahon,Yannick Mellier,Felipe Menanteau,Michal~J. Michalowski,Marius Millea,Bahram Mobasher,Subhanjoy Mohanty,Ludovic Montier,Kavilan Moodley,Gerald H. Moriarty-Schieven,Angela Mortier,Dipak Munshi,Eric Murphy,Kirpal Nandra,Paolo Natoli,Hien Nguyen,Seb Oliver,Alain Omont,Lyman Page,Mathew Page,Roberta Paladini,Stefania Pandolfi,Enzo Pascale,Guillaume Patanchon,John Peacock,Chris Pearson,Ismael Perez-Fournon,Pablo G. Perez-Gonz,Francesco Piacentini,Elena Pierpaoli,Michael Pohlen,Etienne Pointecouteau,Gianluca Polenta,Jason Rawlings,Erik~D. Reese,Emma Rigby,Giulia Rodighiero,Encarni Romero-Colmenero,Isaac Roseboom,Michael Rowan-Robinson,Miguel Sanchez-Portal,Fabian Schmidt,Michael Schneider,Bernhard Schulz,Douglas Scott,Chris Sedgwick,Neelima Sehgal,Nick Seymour,Blake~D. Sherwin,Jo Short,David Shupe,Jonathan Sievers,Ramin Skibba,Joseph Smidt,Anthony Smith,Daniel J. B. Smith,Matthew W. L. Smith,David Spergel,Suzanne Staggs,Jason Stevens,Eric Switzer,Toshinobu Takagi,Tsutomu Takeuchi,Pasquale Temi,Markos Trichas,Corrado Trigilio,Katherine Tugwell,Grazia Umana,William Vacca,Mattia Vaccari,Petri Vaisanen,Ivan Valtchanov,Kurt van der Heyden,Paul P. van der Werf,Eelco van_Kampen,Ludovic van_Waerbeke,Simona Vegetti,Marcella Veneziani,Licia Verde,Aprajita Verma,Patricio Vielva,Marco P. Viero,Baltasar Vila Vilaro,Julie Wardlow,Grant Wilson,Edward L. Wright,C. Kevin Xu,Min S. Yun
Abstract:A large sub-mm survey with Herschel will enable many exciting science opportunities, especially in an era of wide-field optical and radio surveys and high resolution cosmic microwave background experiments. The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS), will lead to imaging data over 4000 sq. degrees at 250, 350, and 500 micron. Major Goals of HSLS are: (a) produce a catalog of 2.5 to 3 million galaxies down to 26, 27 and 33 mJy (50% completeness; 5 sigma confusion noise) at 250, 350 and 500 micron, respectively, in the southern hemisphere (3000 sq. degrees) and in an equatorial strip (1000 sq. degrees), areas which have extensive multi-wavelength coverage and are easily accessible from ALMA. Two thirds of the of the sources are expected to be at z > 1, one third at z > 2 and about a 1000 at z > 5. (b) Remove point source confusion in secondary anisotropy studies with Planck and ground-based CMB data. (c) Find at least 1200 strongly lensed bright sub-mm sources leading to a 2% test of general relativity. (d) Identify 200 proto-cluster regions at z of 2 and perform an unbiased study of the environmental dependence of star formation. (e) Perform an unbiased survey for star formation and dust at high Galactic latitude and make a census of debris disks and dust around AGB stars and white dwarfs.
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