Nonlinear Robust Attitude Tracking Control of a Table-Mount Experimental Helicopter using Output-Feedback
Zhan Li,Hugh Hong-Tao Liu,Bo Zhu,Huijun Gao,Okyay Kaynak
Abstract:This work proposes a robust attitude tracking controller for a table-mounted experimental helicopter which has three rotational degree-of-freedom and only equips angular position sensors. The proposed controller can achieve outputfeedback attitude tracking of the pitch and elevation channels of the helicopter. The experimental platform is subjected to model uncertainties, coupling effects, and equips with an independent active disturbance system, which have effectively examined the robustness of proposed controller. The control law includes a second-order auxiliary system to generate filtered error signals, and a discontinuous uncertainty and disturbance estimation (UDE) term to compensate the model uncertainties and external disturbances. A Lyapunov based stability analysis shows the semiglobal asymptotic tracking ability of the proposed controller. The experimental results further demonstrate the propose method can achieve equivalent dynamic and static performance compare to other high-performance state-feedback methods, and even when the initial position is away from design point, it also gives more consistent responses than other linear methods.