Evaluation for NegFry Potato Late Blight Forecasting Model
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-3635.2013.02.008
Abstract:The potato late blight forecasting model is an efficient tool to deal with this problem. The purpose of this study was to apply NegFry forecasting model for the control of late blight in Heilongjiang Province, with no application and application of fungicides weekly as controls and using susceptible variety 'Favorita' and moderately resistant variety 'Kexin 18' as tested plant materials. Area under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) of CK1 (susceptible variety with no fungicide application), FW (susceptible variety with fungicide application weekly), FN (susceptible variety with fungicide application based on Negfry model), CK2 (resistant variety with no fungicide application), KW (resistant variety with fungicide application weekly), and KN (resistant variety with fungicide application based on Negfry model), were 12.73, 0.12, 0.17, 0.12, 0.074 and 0.034, respectively. Significant difference was found between CK1 and FW, FN, CK2, KW, and KN for AUDPC as tested by using DMRT, but for the five treatments no significant difference was detected, suggesting that fungicide application based on Negfry model, application weekly, and using resistant variety al could reach the same effect for late blight control. For the susceptible variety, fungicide application based on Negfry model was reduced by two times, application cost reduced by 70 Yuan/667 m2, and benefit increased by 27 Yuan/667 m2 compared with application weekly. For the resistant variety, fungicide application based on Negfry model was reduced by 5 times, application cost reduced by 160 Yuan/667 m2, and benefit increased by 213 Yuan/667 m2 compared with application weekly. Therefore, by using Negfry model fungicide application time could be predicted, and the production cost reduced, but late blight control ed, and potato yield and quality improved accordingly.