Prenatal diagnosis of a de novo 10p12.1p11.23 microdeletion encompassing the WAC gene in a fetus associated with bilateral hydronephrosis and right clubfoot on prenatal ultrasound
Chih-Ping Chen,Chen-Yu Chen,Fang-Tzu Wu,Yen-Ting Pan,Peih-Shan Wu,Wayseen Wang
Abstract:Objective: We present prenatal diagnosis of de novo 10p12.1p11.23 microdeletion encompassing the WAC gene in a fetus associated with bilateral hydronephrosis on prenatal ultrasound. Case report: A 40-year-old, gravida 2, para 1, woman underwent amniocentesis at 17 weeks of gestation because of advanced maternal age. Amniocentesis revealed a karyotype of 46,XY. Level II ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation revealed bilateral hydronephrosis and right clubfoot. At 23 weeks of gestation, repeat amniocentesis revealed the result of arr [GRCh37] 10p12.1p11.23 (26,182,512-29,826,276) × 1 dn with a 3.6-Mb microdeletion of 10p12.1p11.23 encompassing the genes of MYO3A, GAD2, APBB1IP, PDSS1, ABI1, ANKRD26, YME1L1, MASTL, ACBD5, PTCHD3, RAB18, MKX, ODAD2, MPP7, WAC and BAMBI. The pregnancy was subsequently terminated, and a malformed fetus was delivered with facial dysmorphism of low-set ears, broad forehead and flat nasal bridge. Array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) analysis of umbilical cord confirmed a 3.6-Mb 10p12.1p11.23 microdeletion encompassing WAC. Conclusion: Application of aCGH is useful in the pregnancy with a normal fetal karyotype and abnormal fetal ultrasound.