Num erical Sim ulaton ofNO_x Reducing by Burning Natural Gas in the Late Stage of Com bustion
zhang qiang,he boshu,xu jinyuan
Abstract:The gasNOx produced in com bustion is very harm fulto environm ent and difficult to rem ove. There are tw o w ays to decrease it. One isto decrease prim itiveNOx products, anotheristo reduce form ed NOx. In the latterw ay, a m ethod isthatsom efuelisspurted in the laterstageofcom bustion to form a reduction at- m osphere, NOx decom poses in the atm osphere. The technique that naturalgas is used as the fuelcan reduce NOx again by 50% ~70% based on the other m easures. The principle and the realization ofthe technique are introduced. The infinite reaction speed m odelofcom bustion isgiven. The sim ulation calculation ofthe concen- tration distribution of the reduction reaction is m ade by finite difference m ethod and m ultigrid schem e m ethod under lam inalflow flue gas w ith constant viscosity coefficient.
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