Clinical and imaging features of intracranial germinomas in children and teenagers
Zheng-rong XIA,Ming LIU,Wen-jun CAO,Hui ZHENG,Yu-hua LI
Abstract:Objective: In order to improve to know intracranial germinomas, its the clinical and imaging features in chil-dren and teenagers were studied. Methods: Clinical data and imaging studies were retrospectively analyzed in 45 patients, who confirmed by pathology or follow-up in different parts of intracranial germinomas. Results: Pineal region tumors accounted for 16%, all of them were males, with an average age of 11, 71% patients showed intracranial hypertension, 3 patients had CT scan, which showed equal or slightly higher density oval lumps, all with calcification. Isointensity was showed on MRI T1WI and T2WI. Isointensity was showed(27%) or slightly hyperintensity(73%) on DWI, and significant enhancement was seen. Sellar tumors accounted for 53%, 75% were females, with an average age of 10, 83% showed diabetes insipidus. Irregular mass covered 94%, 36% of the cases were with cystic change. The imaging features of sellar tumor is similar to pineal region tumor, but with no calcification. Stalk nodular covered 6%. Thalamus and basal ganglia tumors accounted for 22%, 90% were males, with an average age of 11, 70% showed hemiparesis. The solid part of the tumor showed high density with 57%patchy calcification on CT, T1WI showed hypointensity, T2WI and DWI showed hyperintensity with moderate enhancement, with 50% of cystic degeneration and hemorrhage, 38% with unilateral brain atrophy. Multi-center lesions accounted for 9%, 75%were males, these patients tend to present with symptoms associated with one part of the lesions. Conclusion: The mainly age of intracranial germinoma is from 10 to 12 years old. Pineal, sellar, thalamus and basal ganglia are the predilection sites, clinical and imaging findings in different parts of germinomas with different characteristics.