An Auditory P300 Study of Chinese Depressives-A Preliminary Study
Zhang Mingdao,Jijun Wang,Xingshi Chen,Fangzhou Lou,Liang Jian-hua
Abstract:SUMMARY To investigate auditory P300 variations and their correlation with clinical features in depressives. The auditory P300 was recorded from 18 unmedicated and 32 medicated depressives and 35 normal controls, using a standard ddball' paradigm. The P300 latency was delayed in both depression groups as compared to the control (p Key Words P300, depression, unmedicated, medicated INTRODUCTION P300 component of event-related potentials has been the subject of intense psychophysiological investigation as a market-related to cognition and signifies the integrity of information-processing functions of the brain. Evidence suggests that P300 is modulated through noradrenergic, serotoninergic, and do-paminergic systems (Garreau et al., 1984; Wood et at., 1984; Ito et al., 1990). Very few studies on P300 are available in major depression and the findings of reported studies are far from being consistent, especially when compared with the P300 amplitude attenuation found in schizophrenia. A few studies have found that P300 amplitude is smaller in, depressed patients than In normal controls, but larger than in schizophrenic patients (Levit et al., 1973: Shagass et al., 1981; Baribeau-Braun & Lesevre, 1983. Pfefferbaum et a1., 1984; Blackwood et at., 1987). An equal number of studies negated this finding and reported that no P300 latency or amplitude differences existed between depressives and normals (Pfefferbaum) 2t al., 1984; Gordon et al., 1986, Their et al., 1986; Patterson et al, 1988;, Have et al., 1991). Only one study (Bruder et al., 1991) has reported a significantly prolonged P300 latency in [TXT INCOMPLETE IN ORIGINAL SOURCE] depressive (melancholics and simple mood reactive depressives); however, subjects in this study performed a spatial discrimination task. At least three major factors may account for these conflicting results; the heterogeneity of samples (different sub of depressives, severity of symptoms), the treatment intervention, and the paradigm used to elicit P300. The purposes of this study were to investigate (1) whether the P300 variables of depressives are different from th of normal subjects, and (2) whether the P300 variables of depressives correlate with their clinical ratings. METHODOLOGY SUBJECTS The subjects were 50 depressed patients (divided into 2 sub-groups, 18 unmedicated 32 medicated) and 35 normal controls, aged 18 to 60. All subjects were screened for current or past history of substance abuse, organic brain impairment, or somatic diseases. The 35 normal subjects (19 male, 16 female; mean age, 34.6 [+ or -] 11.7 years) were volunteers recruited from staff of Shanghai Mental Health Center and students of Shanghai Second Medical University. The 50 patients were recruited from the Outpatient Department and Impatient Wards of Shanghai Mental Health Center. The patients were diagnosed to have major depression according to DSM-III-R criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 1987) by at least 2 experienced psychiatrists and none of them had any axis II diagnoss. Patients with a history of electroconvulsive treatment during the 6 months before the study were excluded, For the patient group, 18 (10 male, 8 female; mean [+ or -] D: 37.9 [+ or -] 11.2 years) had been drug free for at least 2 weeks before testing, and the rest (15 male, 17 female; mean [+ or -] D: 43,4 [+ or -] 12. …