Fractional quantum Hall effect in valley-layer locked Landau levels in
bilayer MoS$_{2}$
Siwen Zhao,Jinqiang Huang,Valentin Crépel,Xingguang Wu,Tongyao Zhang,Hanwen Wang,Xiangyan Han,Zhengyu Li,Chuanying Xi,Senyang Pan,Zhaosheng Wang,Kenji Watanabe,Takashi Taniguchi,Benjamin Sacépé,Jing Zhang,Ning Wang,Jianming Lu,Nicolas Regnault,Zheng Vitto Han
Abstract: Semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit high mobility, strong spin-orbit coupling, and large effective masses, which simultaneously leads to a rich wealth of Landau quantizations and inherently strong electronic interactions. However, in spite of their extensively explored Landau levels (LL) structure, probing electron correlations in the fractionally filled LL regime has not been possible due to the difficulty of reaching the quantum limit. Here, we report evidence for fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states at filling fractions 4/5 and 2/5 in the lowest LL of bilayer MoS$_{2}$, manifested in fractionally quantized transverse conductance plateaus accompanied by longitudinal resistance minima. We further show that the observed FQH states result from and sensitively depend on the dielectric and gate screening of the Coulomb interactions. Our findings establish a new FQH experimental platform which are a scarce resource: it is tunable by Coulomb-screening engineering and as such, is the missing link between atomically thin graphene and semiconducting quantum wells.