Gaofeng Yuan,Ming Zhu
Abstract:The present paper deals with four new species of the genus Pholcus from China. All the type specimens are deposited in Hebei Educational College.1. Pholcus crypticolens Bosenberg et Strand, 1906 (fig. 1)Female total length 2.75mm. Male: total length 2.73 mm.Distribution Taiwan, Fujian, Henan, Jilin, Shandong and Hebei Province.2. Pholcus alloctospilis sp. nov. (fig. 2)Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratypes 5 ♂♂ 6 ♀♀, Lingshou County, Hebei Province (28°20'N, 114°30'E), May 26, 1986.Male (Holotype) total length 4.28mm, cephalothorax 1.18×1.54 mm. abdomen 3.10×1.60 mm. Female (Allotype): total length 5.28 mm, cephalothorax 1.44×1.44 mm, abdomen 3.84× 2.40 mm.The dorsal pattern of the cephalothorax of the new species is similar to that of P. jixia-nensis, but differs from the latter in the following points: 1. the uncus of the new species is triangular, but it is stick-like in P. jixianensis; 2. the tip of protarsus is pointed, but it is broad in P. jixianensis; 3. the structure of epigynum and vulva, and shape of spur trochanter of the male are also different.3. Pholcus bessus sp. nov. (fig. 3)Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratypes 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀, Jingxing County, Hebei Province (38°3'N, 114°10'E), August 26, 1985.Male (Holotype) total length 3.56mm, cephalothorax 1.06×1.25 mm, abdomen 2.50 × 1.28mm, Female (Allotype): total length 4.35mm, cephalothorax 1.15×1.28 mm, abdomen 3.20×2.56 mm.The new species quite closes to P. affinis, but differs from the latter in the shape of the protarsus and spur of the trochanter, and also in the structure of the epigynum and vulva.4. Pholcus spills sp. nov. (fig. 4)Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratypes 1♂ 2♀♀, Dao County, Hunan Province (25°30'N, 111°35'E), May 27, 1984.Male (Holotype) total length 3.36mm, cephalothorax 0.96×0.96 mm, abdomen 2.40 × 0.83mm. Female (Allotype): total length 3.52 mm, cephalothorax 0.96×0.96 mm, abdomen 2.26×0.96 mm.The dorsal pattern of the cephalothorax and the shape of uncus of the new species resembles P. crypticolens, but it differs from the latter in having a projection on the near dorsum of the femur and the structure of epigynum and vulva, and in the shape ,of the appendage and spur of the trochanter.5. Pholcus wuyiensissp. nov. (fig. 5)Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratypes 6 ♂♂ 5♀♀, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian Province (27°45'N, 117°40'E), July 19, 1986.Male (Holotype) total length 5.09mm, cephalothorax 1.25×1.34mm, abdomen 3.84× 1.28mm. Female (Allotype) total length 5.32 mm, cephalothorax 1.31 × 1.47 mm, abdomen 4.22×1.28 mm.This new species is similar to P. sinicus, P- yichengcus, P. henanensis and P. crossus in the shape of the uncus, but is easily distinguishable from the four species above by the brush-like projection of the protarsus.