Cystitis follicularis in bladder washings: Report of two cases and review of the literature
Maria G. McIntire,Jennifer R. Scudiere,P. Gattuso
Diagnostic Cytopathology
Abstract:Dear Dr. Bedrossian: Inflammatory conditions involving the urinary tract may be either primary or secondary. Of the primary cases, bacterial infection is the most common with obstructive processes representing the cause of the majority of infections. Such inflammation, termed cystitis, most often presents as hematuria or dysuria. Most investigations consider the formation of lymphoid follicles as a consequence of repeated or prolonged infection. Besides primary infection, other factors implicated in the development of follicular cystitis include bladder outlet obstruction or dysfunction of the bladder or urethra. The use of chronic indwelling catheters in spinal cord injury patients is also often associated with follicular cystitis, as other inflammatory conditions in the neuropathic bladder. Cystoscopic findings of cystitis follicularis of all etiologies include granular chronic trigonitis, which can rarely form the so-called pseudotumor of the trigone. The nonspecific clinical presentation makes it difficult to exclude a diagnosis of neoplasia, and most clinicians perform urinary cytology as part of the initial evaluation. The diagnosis of cystitis follicularis on cytologic material alone is rare, with only one previously published report of four cases in the literature to date. This brief communication reports two additional cases of follicular cystitis diagnosed on cytologic material. The patients were a 37-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman. The male patient presented with hematuria and symptoms of a urinary tract infection. CT scan demonstrated normal kidneys, with normal collecting systems and ureters bilaterally. The bladder, prostate, and seminal vesicles were also within normal limits. Abnormal components of the urinalysis included a specific gravity of 1.036, small amount of blood, moderate elevation of leukocyte esterase, 10 squamous epithelial cells/HPF, 15 white blood cells/HPF, and 13 red blood cells/HPF. Few bacteria were noted on urinalysis. Neither Chlamydia trachomatis nor Neisseria gonorrhea were detected by DNA probe assay. Urine culture grew Group B Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus at 10,000–100,000 CFU/ML (serologically confirmed). The patient’s past medical history includes cirrhosis of unknown etiology. Cytologic evaluation of bladder washings from the female patient was performed after the incidental detection of microscopic hematuria. No abnormalities of the urinary system were detected by CT scan. The patient’s history includes dysfunctional uterine bleeding and focal neurologic symptoms attributed to spinal degenerative changes observed on MRI. No laboratory evaluations were performed at the time of urine cytology evaluation. The cytologic changes were similar in both cases, with an increased number of lymphocytes as well as urothelial cells with reactive and degenerative changes. The lymphocytes varied in maturation with a predominance of small mature lymphocytes accompanied by immature (follicular center) lymphocytes as well as tingible body macrophages (Figs. 1 and 2). Immunohistochemical stains for CD3 and CD20 performed in one case demonstrated a population of both T and B lymphocytes, confirming the diagnosis of a reactive process. The differential diagnosis of follicular cystitis on cytologic material primarily includes chronic cystitis, granulomatous cystitis, and malignant lymphoma of the bladder. The lack of other chronic inflammatory cells in the background eliminates chronic cystitis. Despite the histiocytic population present, the abundance of lymphocytes leads the observer away from a diagnosis of a granulomatous process. Although a rare occurrence, malignant lymphoma of the bladder also presents with hematuria or dysuria and can mimic cystitis follicularis. Lymphoma of the urinary bladder tends to occur mainly in women, and is occasionally preceded by chronic cystitis. Urinary blad*Correspondence to: Paolo Gattuso, M.D., Professor of Pathology, Director of Anatomic Pathology, Department of Pathology, Rush University Medical Center, Jelke Bldg. Room 532, 1653 West Congress Parkway, Chicago, IL 60612-3833. E-mail: Received 13 June 2006; Accepted 2 February 2007 DOI 10.1002/dc.20680 Published online in Wiley InterScience (