Fluctuations and Entanglement spectrum in quantum Hall states
Alexandru Petrescu,H. Francis Song,Stephan Rachel,Zoran Ristivojevic,Christian Flindt,Nicolas Laflorencie,Israel Klich,Nicolas Regnault,Karyn Le Hur
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/2014/10/P10005
Abstract:The measurement of quantum entanglement in many-body systems remains challenging. One experimentally relevant fact about quantum entanglement is that in systems whose degrees of freedom map to free fermions with conserved total particle number, exact relations hold relating the Full Counting Statistics associated with the bipartite charge fluctuations and the sequence of R\' enyi entropies. We draw a correspondence between the bipartite charge fluctuations and the entanglement spectrum, mediated by the R\' enyi entropies. In the case of the integer quantum Hall effect, we show that it is possible to reproduce the generic features of the entanglement spectrum from a measurement of the second charge cumulant only. Additionally, asking whether it is possible to extend the free fermion result to the $\nu=1/3$ fractional quantum Hall case, we provide numerical evidence that the answer is negative in general. We further address the problem of quantum Hall edge states described by a Luttinger liquid, and derive expressions for the spectral functions of the real space entanglement spectrum at a quantum point contact realized in a quantum Hall sample.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Strongly Correlated Electrons,Quantum Physics