Effect of low visibility in haze weather condition on longitudinal driving behavior in different car-following stages
gao kun,tu huizhao,shi heng,li zhenfei
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb201706007
Abstract:Using a high fidelity driving simulator with eight degrees of freedom,the effect of low visibility in haze weather condition on the driving behavior of three Car-Following(CF)stages(acceleration,deceleration and steady following stages)are analyzed from both engineering CF models and psychological-physiological CF model.The results show that the low visibility environment in haze weather condition has significantly different impacts on driving behavior of different CF stages.In acceleration CF stage,the drivers’ sensitivity in changes of relative speed and spacing,as well as maximum desired acceleration under haze weather condition are significantly lower,29.3%,33.1%and 17.4% respectively,than that under clear weather condition.Meanwhile the heterogeneities in driving behavior are substantially larger in haze weather condition.In the deceleration stage,drivers’ sensitivity in changes of relative speed, maximum desired deceleration and expected maximum deceleration of the leading vehicle under haze weather condition are significantly larger,31.7%,17.8% and 16.3%respectively,than that in clear weather condition.Whereas,the drivers’ sensitivity in change of the spacing decreases by 32.1%in haze weather condition.In steady CF stage,the drivers have larger sensitivities in changes of relative speed,41.6% higher in average in haze weather than that in clear weather,and have slightly smaller maximum desired acceleration and deceleration.However,there are no significant differences in desired speed and drivers’ reaction to the change in spacing under different weather conditions. Moreover,the action points of acceleration and deceleration indicate that the drivers under low visibility in haze weather adopt quicker acceleration to follow the leading vehicle more closely,and are more cautious to take quicker braking action to avoid collision.The main findings of this paper provide references for setting-up of microscopic simulation for emergency traffic evacuation in case of low visibility in haze weather condition.