A Case of Small-cell Lung Cancer with Hilar Lymph Node Enlargement

K. Maruyama,Masami Sato,S. Morizono,Y. Tokuda,N. Imamura,Go Kamimura,Satomi Imamura,K. Ueda,Yuto Nonaka,Kentaro Yunoki
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2482/HAIGAN.61.35
Abstract:━━ Background. There have been reports of small-cell lung cancer found in cases of hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy with no primary lesion. We experienced a case of T0N1M0 small-cell lung cancer. Case. A 61-year-old man had a history of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for middle esophageal cancer 8 years ago and for gastric cancer 5 years ago. The gastric cancer had been completely resected endoscopically according to the pathology. However, with regard to the esophageal cancer, he was requested to be followed up, although additional excision was advised due to the depth to the wall. The left main bronchial lymph node was found to be swollen at follow-up. This node was located near the esophageal cancer that had been treated with ESD, which initially suggested esophageal cancer metastasis. As no other lesions were found, including in the esophagus after ESD, the node was resected for a diagnosis. The left main bronchial lymph node was removed thoracoscopically. The pathological findings resulted in a diagnosis of lymph node metastasis of small-cell lung cancer. There was no apparent primary lesion on image findings or endoscopically, so it was assumed to be a lung primary tumor and judged to be T0N1M0 small-cell lung cancer. Conclusion. We experienced a case of small-cell lung cancer of unknown primary origin with hilar lymphadenopathy. We believe that additional treatment including chemotherapy will be necessary in the future. (JJLC. 2021;61:35-39) KEY WORDS━━ Cancer of unknown primary, T0 small-cell lung cancer Corresponding author: Kazuhiro Ueda. Received July 14, 2020; accepted October 22, 2020. 要旨━━背景.原発巣が指摘できず肺門・縦隔リンパ 節腫大で発見される小細胞肺癌の報告がある.今回, T0N1M0小細胞肺癌の症例を経験した.症例.61歳の男 性で,8年前に中部食道癌に対して内視鏡的粘膜下層剥 離術(ESD:endoscopic submucosal dissection),また 5 年前にも胃癌に対し ESDを施行されている.病理結果 で胃癌は内視鏡的に完全切除できた.しかし,食道癌は 壁深達度から追加切除が望まれたが,経過観察を希望さ れた.その経過中に,左主気管支周囲リンパ節が腫大し た.ESDを施行した中部食道癌の近傍であり,当初は食 道癌転移が示唆された.中部食道を含め,その他に病変 を認めず診断も兼ねて切除の方針とした.手術は,胸腔 鏡下に左主気管支周囲リンパ節を摘出した.病理結果は 小細胞肺癌のリンパ節転移と診断された.画像上・内視 鏡的にも明らかな原発巣はなく,肺原発と仮定すると, T0N1M0小細胞肺癌と判断した.結論.肺門リンパ節腫 大で発症した小細胞肺癌の 1例を経験した.今後は化学 療法を含めた追加治療が必要と考える. 索引用語━━原発不明癌,T0小細胞肺癌 1鹿児島共済会南風病院呼吸器外科;2鹿児島大学大学院医歯学 総合研究科呼吸器外科学分野. 論文責任者:上田和弘. 受付日:2020年 7月 14日,採択日:2020年 10月 22日. (肺癌.2021;61:35-39) 2021 The Japan Lung Cancer Society T0 Small-cell Lung Cancer―Kamimura et al 36 Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer―Vol 61, No 1, Feb 20, 2021―www.haigan.gr.jp Figure 1. (a) Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy pointed out early esophageal and gastric cancer. (b) Chest CT. The left main bronchial lymph node was enlarged. (c) FDG-PET/CT. The accumulation of FDG with an SUVmax of 3.0 was detected in the left main bronchial lymph node. (d) Bronchoscopy showed no endotracheal lesion and no tracheal infiltration of the lymph node. はじめに リンパ節腫大で見つかる小細胞肺癌を認めることがあ る.今回我々は,食道癌・胃癌に対し内視鏡的治療をし た後,左主気管支周囲リンパ節(#10)腫大を認め,生 検したところ小細胞肺癌のリンパ節転移と考えられ, T0N1M0となる稀な症例を経験したので報告する.
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