Direct Visual Odometry using Bit-Planes
Hatem Alismail,Brett Browning,Simon Lucey
Abstract:Feature descriptors, such as SIFT and ORB, are well-known for their robustness to illumination changes, which has made them popular for feature-based VSLAM\@. However, in degraded imaging conditions such as low light, low texture, blur and specular reflections, feature extraction is often unreliable. In contrast, direct VSLAM methods which estimate the camera pose by minimizing the photometric error using raw pixel intensities are often more robust to low textured environments and blur. Nonetheless, at the core of direct VSLAM is the reliance on a consistent photometric appearance across images, otherwise known as the brightness constancy assumption. Unfortunately, brightness constancy seldom holds in real world applications.
In this work, we overcome brightness constancy by incorporating feature descriptors into a direct visual odometry framework. This combination results in an efficient algorithm that combines the strength of both feature-based algorithms and direct methods. Namely, we achieve robustness to arbitrary photometric variations while operating in low-textured and poorly lit environments. Our approach utilizes an efficient binary descriptor, which we call Bit-Planes, and show how it can be used in the gradient-based optimization required by direct methods. Moreover, we show that the squared Euclidean distance between Bit-Planes is equivalent to the Hamming distance. Hence, the descriptor may be used in least squares optimization without sacrificing its photometric invariance. Finally, we present empirical results that demonstrate the robustness of the approach in poorly lit underground environments.
Robotics,Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition