Non-time-homogeneous Generalized Mehler Semigroups and Applications
Shun-Xiang Ouyang,Michael Röckner
Abstract:A non-time-homogeneous generalized Mehler semigroup on a real separable
Hilbert space \H is defined through [ p_{s,t}f(x)=\int_\H f(U(t,s)x+y)
\mu_{t,s}(dy), \quad t\geq s, x\in\H,] for every bounded measurable function
$f$ on $\H$, where $(U(t,s))_{t\geq s}$ is an evolution family of bounded
operators on $\H$ and $\mu_{t,s}$ is a family of probability measures on $(\H,
\B(\H))$ satisfying $\mu_{t,s}=\mu_{t,r}*(\mu_{r,s}\circ U(t,r)^{-1})$ for
$t\geq r\geq s$. This kind of semigroups is closely related with the
"transition semigroup" of non-autonomous (possibly non-continuous)
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by some proper additive process. We show the
infinite divisibility and a L\'evy-Khintchine type representation of
We also study the corresponding evolution systems of measures (=space-time
invariant measures), dimension free Harnack inequality and their applications
to derive important properties of $p_{s,t}$. We also prove the Harnack
inequality and show the strong Feller property for the transition semigroup of
semi-linear non-autonomous Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes driven by a Wiener